Family. Acanthaceae.
Origin. In Madagascar and South Africa.
Description. The genus includes approximately 40 species of woody evergreen perennials, subshrubs and shrubs, grown for their beautiful spotted foliage. The leaves are dark olive with spots of various shades - from cream to pink. Some varieties have entirely pink foliage. The leaves are opposite, oval, pointed, 6.5 cm long and about 4 cm wide, on long petioles - about 4 cm. The flowers are not particularly attractive and are usually removed, since the plant expends energy on their appearance.
Height. It grows quickly, often reaches 1 m in height and at the same time has a very unkempt appearance.
Care at home
Reproduction, growing from seeds
Propagation by cuttings, which can be taken at any time of the year, is quite easy. Take apical cuttings 7.5 - 10 cm long and remove the lower leaves. Root in water or moist peat with sand. You can use rooting powders. Cover the seedlings with transparent bags or glass and keep them at a temperature of 18 to 21 ° C, and under bright but reflected light. Do not water for 6 to 8 weeks, then remove the cover. Hypoestes rooted in water is planted in the substrate when the roots at the base of the cutting reach 5 cm in length. You can also grow a bush from seeds.
How and when to replant
Repot as it grows each year in spring. It is best not to use too large pots for this species.
How to care
The bush is quite easy to grow and is a fairly undemanding houseplant. Pinch young shoots throughout the year so that the height does not exceed 30 - 40 cm. In this case, the shoots begin to branch into smaller ones, and you will get a lush flower shape. If you take the plant outside in the summer, protect it from the hot sun, which can lead to curling of the leaves and the appearance of brown spots.
When it blooms
In early spring it produces small lavender flowers which are of little value and are usually removed.
Light and well-drained with coarse sand, peat and a fairly high organic content.
Diseases and pests
The edges of the leaves turn brown and dry out when there is a lack of water or atmospheric moisture. Gray or brown spots appear on the leaves when the humidity is too high or when they are kept in cold and poorly ventilated areas.
Among the harmful insects that can attack the flower are spider mites, mealybugs, aphids, scale insects, and thrips.
During active growth, water generously, completely moistening the earthen ball each time. Then let the substrate dry before using again. For watering, use soft water. In winter, reduce watering, preventing the earthen clod from drying out. Shorter days and cooler temperatures can cause hypoestes to go into a dormant state, but not always. If the bush continues to grow normally, water it throughout the year.
Liquid fertilizer every 15 days from March to the end of August.
Containment temperature
Regular room temperature is suitable for this plant year-round. Does not tolerate temperature drops down to 13 ° C. The optimal range is 18 - 27 ° C.
Choose a well-lit location to preserve the bright color of the foliage. The spots may disappear almost completely with a lack of light. On hot summer days, the flower should be protected from scorching rays. If the leaves wither, move the pot to a brighter place, and the color will return.
If the relative humidity in the room drops below 50%, place the hypoestes pot on a tray of damp pebbles or use a room humidifier.
This plant can grow indoors for a long time, but it loses its beauty with age. Replace it every year with a new one obtained from cuttings.
Hypoeates phyllostachya
An evergreen, perennial, herbaceous plant with a height of 30 to 60 cm. It has erect, branched, tetrahedral in cross-section, rigid stems. The leaves are thin, dark green, up to 5 cm long, on short petioles. The leaf blades are entire, have small white or pink specks on the surface. The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs. The flowers are very small, lilac, axillary, and often go unnoticed.
Hypoestes phyllostachya Splash Select
A valuable decorative - deciduous, annual plant, the height of which ranges from 10 to 45 cm. The stems are erect, abundantly branched at the base, and rigid. The leaves are glossy, oblong-lanceolate, entire, on short petioles. The main tone of the leaf plates here is white, pink, red and burgundy. A green tint appears only near large leaf veins.
Blood-red hypoestes - Hypoestes sanguinolenta
A small herbaceous, brightly colored, decorative deciduous plant with erect, branched stems. Leaves are entire, glossy, broadly lanceolate. The main tone of the leaf blades is green, with small specks of red, pink, burgundy or white on it. Young leaves have the brightest color.