

Origin. Southeast Asia, Australia.

Description. Graptophyllum - is tropical evergreen shrub or small tree that naturally reaches 8 m in height. It is grown in cultivation mainly for its beautiful variegated foliage. The leaves are oval or broadly ovate, up to 12 cm long and 3 - 6 cm wide, dark green, burgundy, with spots of the most varied colors and shapes in variegated species, opposite. The leaf blades are glossy and have jagged edges. Leaves on young shoots are usually larger than on older shoots. The flowers are red, purple-red, pink, tubular with protruding stamens, up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in small inflorescences of 4 - 6 pieces.

Height. In culture up to 1.5 m.


Home care

Temperature of the flower content

Normal room temperature in the warm season. Temperature conditions directly affect the growth rate of this plant. In cool conditions, growth slows down. In winter, not lower than 16 ° C.


A brightly lit place with partial shading from direct sunlight in summer. With sufficient lighting, the color of the leaves will be brighter. Adapts well to partial shade. 


Prune graptophyllum regularly to encourage new growth and maintain the bush's compact, lush form. In winter, the bush can be put into a dormant state by cutting it and placing it in a dark, cool place.


Rich in organic matter, well-drained soil.


Monthly during the growing season. 



Valuable decorative foliage plant.

Flowering time

The buds decorate the bush in the summer months, but in culture the plant does not always bloom.

Air humidity

No special requirements. Spray periodically to prevent pests. 


Watering is abundant and frequent during the period of active growth in spring and summer. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out slightly between waterings. In the cold season, reduce watering.


If the graptophyllum is in a pot that is too small, its growth will almost stop. Repot in the spring as it grows into larger pots or change the soil if necessary.



Easily propagated by stem cuttings and fresh seeds.

Pests and diseases

Sensitive to spider mites and whiteflies. 


Adult plants sometimes acquire an untidy appearance and stretch out - they are replaced with new ones at the age of 3 - 4 years.
