Family. Acanthaceae.
Origin: India.
Description. Eranthemum is a small, tropical, evergreen shrub with erect, abundantly branching stems covered with reddish smooth bark. The leaves are large, oblong-oval, glossy, dark green in most species. Some cultivated varieties have burgundy foliage, and variegated ones are decorated with pink, cream or white stripes. The leaf blades are covered with sparse pubescence. The veins are well defined, slightly recessed. In spring, during flowering, the plants form large apical panicles with many blue, white, pink, purple or light blue flowers.
Height. In nature reaches 1 – 1.5 m.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
All year round, keep at a moderately warm temperature of - 18° C. The bush does not like extreme heat and sudden temperature changes in general. With the onset of summer heat - above 21° C, you should increase the air humidity and water more often.
Bright reflected sunlight, some direct sunlight may fall on the leaves in the morning and evening. Use shading during the day. When the sun rarely shows itself from behind the clouds - in autumn and winter, eranthemum needs to be provided with maximum light.
Pluck off wilting flowers to prolong the flowering period. Too long and weak stems should be cut off. The tops of young shoots are regularly pinched so that the plant branches abundantly and looks thicker. In late spring and summer, if possible, place the pot outdoors, protected from wind and rain, for example on a terrace or balcony. Formative pruning is carried out after flowering.
A soil consisting of peat, leaf humus, with the addition of sand is suitable. Good drainage is necessary.
When growth begins, feed with liquid fertilizers with a high potassium content 2 times a month. In winter, feeding can be done monthly.
An ornamental flowering plant with a very long flowering period.
Flowering time
Buds appear abundantly in spring and throughout the summer. Seedlings bloom for the first time at the age of 6 months.
Air humidity
The bushes like high humidity – use a room humidifier or a tray with water. The buds do not like water drops and quickly lose their attractiveness, spray carefully, only on the leaves. Keep eranthemums away from windows and doorways where there may be cold drafts.
Soil moisture
Water generously until the soil ball is completely wet. These plants do not tolerate drought, but they are afraid of excess water. The top layer of soil about 3 cm thick should dry out before the next watering. In winter, the soil should be almost dry. Do not use cold water for watering.
Replant every year in spring into fresh soil, increasing the pot size if necessary. For large specimens, the replanting of which causes difficulties, it is enough to replace the top part of the soil with fresh. The bushes bloom more abundantly if their root system is in a tight pot.
Easily propagated by semi-woody stem cuttings 8-10 cm long, taken during pruning in spring and summer. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, and the bases are dipped in rooting powder. Young seedlings are covered with glass to maintain humidity and kept warm - at a temperature of about 21 °C. Rooting occurs within 1.5 months. Rarely propagated by seeds.
Pests and diseases
Leaves fall off with a sharp change in air temperature, dry out with insufficient air humidity. When watering with cold water, spots appear on the leaves. Leaf blades become soft, and stems thin when water stagnates - the plant rots. Lower leaves fall off when exposed to cold drafts. Flowering will be less abundant if there is a lack of light.
Of the insect pests, the main danger may be represented by spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects.
Eranthemums can live for several years indoors, but sometimes lose their attractiveness with age. Replace such specimens with new plants.
Grows well in hydroponics.