
Family. Agavoideae.

Origin. This plant grows in eastern central Mexico, an arid zone.

Description. Dasylirion is an evergreen herbaceous perennial, extremely attractive plant, a very close relative of the agave. It has long, narrow, stiff leaves, jagged along the edges, which form a dense rosette. Leaf shades may include green, bluish and gray. With age, a short and thick trunk is formed. Some species have quite large spines, while others have smooth leaves. These plants are divided into male and female specimens. During flowering, they throw out rigid peduncles 2-4 m high, rising above the leaf rosette. The upper third of the peduncle is densely covered with pale yellow flowers. After flowering, cut peduncles can be used for a long time as dried flowers.

Height. In culture it grows slowly and reaches a height of 1 - 1.5 m.


Home care

Temperature conditions

The plant tolerates a fairly wide range of temperatures, except frost. In winter, it is preferable to keep in a cool room. 


Place the bush in the most illuminated place during autumn and winter. If necessary, use artificial lighting. In spring and summer, during hot daytime hours, you can slightly shade the leaves.


Growing this species is not difficult. If you avoid over-watering, especially in cold winters, the bush will live indoors for many years without problems. Remove old yellowed leaves. Dasylirion is rarely found in home collections, but it can be safely recommended to novice gardeners. This extremely unpretentious plant, resistant to drought, heat and cold, will require a sufficient amount of free space over time.


Very well drained soil. Standard mixtures for cacti and succulents will do.


During growth, apply liquid fertilizer at half strength once a month. 



Dasylirion needs sun and is drought-resistant. It is an ideal plant for greenhouses where it can receive maximum light and coolness in winter. In summer, the flower will appreciate being kept outdoors.

Flowering time

It blooms quite rarely in indoor culture; the flowering period occurs in late spring - summer. 

Air humidity

Does not require spraying.

Soil moisture

In its natural environment it can withstand dry periods of ten months or more. Water sparingly during the summer. The mixture should dry out by 2/3 of its volume between waterings. In winter, simply prevent the soil ball from drying out completely, especially if kept cool.


As it grows, in the spring. Adult specimens are replanted every 2-3 years to change the soil to fresh one. 



The only way to propagate is by seeds, sown in February or March. The seedlings are kept in partial shade at a temperature of about 21 °C. Germination takes 3 - 4 weeks. When the young specimens reach a height of 3 cm, transplant them into separate small pots, put them in a sunny place with a minimum temperature of 18 °C. The soil should be uniformly moist until mid-autumn.

Pests and diseases

Dasylirion is very resistant to diseases, pests and careless maintenance. Do not allow water to stagnate in the tray and provide the flower with good drainage to prevent root rot.

Among the pests, spider mites and mealybugs may appear.


Americans use this plant to prepare alcoholic beverages and weave fibrous leaves into baskets, rugs and other useful items.
