Family. Aizoaceae.
Origin South Africa.
Description. Bijlias are perennial, succulent plants that form a rosette with a diameter of up to 12 cm or more, consisting of closely growing angular thick leaves. The flowers are bright yellow, sessile or on short petioles 2 - 10 mm. long, appear in winter, collected in inflorescences of 1-3. In appearance, the flowers resemble a chamomile with a diameter of 2.5 - 5 cm. The petals are linear or reverse - ovoid, golden yellow or orange-yellow. Stamens are numerous. Plants form 2 - 3 short branches with 2 - 6 pairs of leaves. The leaves are fleshy, pale gray-green or yellowish tinged with red, especially in strong sunlight, semi-cylindrical or club-shaped, triangular, with a smooth surface, 3 - 5 cm long and 12 - 15 mm wide at the base, expanding to 25 mm. Every year several new leaves appear. Flowers open in the afternoon.
Height. Up to 20 cm.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
The growing season of this plant lasts from autumn to spring, during which time it requires a cool temperature of 10 - 16 ° C and a sufficient amount of water. During the dormant period, store in a cool place, in the shade. Tolerates short-term frosts down to -2 °C.
Needs good lighting.
A very unpretentious succulent plant.
A cactus mixture with the addition of coarse sand or perlite is suitable to improve drainage.
Once a month during the growing season, do not feed during the dormant period.
Flowering time
Numerous yellow flowers appear in autumn and winter.
Air humidity
There are no special requirements, it is better not to spray.
Soil moisture
Requires a small amount of moisture; overwatering may cause the leaves to crack. You should start watering in the fall, as soon as new growth begins. After flowering, the frequency of watering is reduced and the plant is prepared for a rather dry summer rest. In summer, water only when the plant begins to shrink. Good drainage is required.
The plant can thrive in the same soil for many years.
Pests and diseases