
Family. Aizoaceae.

Origin. South Africa.

What does it look like? Mesembryanthemum is a perennial or annual low-growing herbaceous plant. The stems are lodging, become lignified with age, the leaves are succulent, thick, bright green. The size and shape of the leaves are variable and in different species the leaves can be either linear or oblong - oval and even heart-shaped. Young stems, buds and leaves are covered with special glands and it seems as if dew has frozen on them. The flowers are axillary, solitary, very bright, with numerous long petals, opening only on hot, sunny days. In cloudy weather they remain half-closed. The color of the petals varies from white, red, pink to yellow. The buds cover the bushes very abundantly and often completely hide the foliage.

Height. Depends on the type and can range from 4 to 60 cm.



Reproduction, growing from seeds 

Propagated by stem cuttings or seeds. Seeds are sown in spring in a mixture of coarse river sand and peat and covered with a thin layer of sand. In a warm place, germination occurs quickly - usually within 2 weeks. Cuttings are separated in the spring, at the beginning of growth, with a sharp sterile instrument and rooted in damp sand using growth hormones. Before planting, the cut site is dried for several days. 

Growing at home

One of the most unpretentious perennials, which is easier to destroy with excessive care than neglect. In summer, mesembryanthemum can be taken out into the fresh air, protected from wind and rain.

When it blooms 

Flowering time is from  May to September.

Containment temperature

During the warm season, normal room temperature is suitable for growing; during the winter dormancy period, a cool temperature of about 14–16 °C is suitable.



Place the mesembryanthemum plant in a sunny location with direct sunlight in the morning and evening. On hot summer days, arrange some shading. 


Light, porous, well-drained soil, consisting of turf soil, leaf humus, with the addition of coarse river sand and perlite to improve drainage. Tolerates nutrient-poor soils and can grow in saline soils. 


The bushes are fed monthly with fertilizers for cacti and succulents in half concentration in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, feeding is stopped.



Keep in dry air, mesembryanthemum does not need misting. Provide good air movement, but avoid cold drafts.


Succulents should be watered moderately during the period of active growth, allowing the top 5 cm of soil to dry out before each subsequent watering. Keep almost dry in winter. When watering, try to avoid getting water on the leaves and stems.


Annual species do not require replanting. Perennial bushes are replanted in spring, before flowering, into fresh soil as needed.

Diseases and pests

Excess moisture in the soil and insufficient air movement contribute to the appearance of rot. Among harmful insects, mesembryanthemum is vulnerable to spider mites and mealybugs.


A beautiful groundcover and flowering genus.


Most often, mesembryanthemum is grown for 2-3 years, after which it loses its attractive appearance and must be replaced with a young seedling. The leaves of some species are eaten fresh.



Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

Plants of this subspecies with age form large colonies with a diameter of up to 1 m. Succulents received their name because droplets of moisture often appear on the surface of the leaves, which sparkle in the sun. The leaves are green or burgundy, intricately curved, collected in basal rosettes. As the plants age, they form short stems. The flowers are pink or white, with numerous thin and long petals. Under optimal conditions, flowering can last throughout the year. 

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

Mesembryanthemum limpopo

A subspecies of mesembryanthemum crystalline, characterized by abundant and long-lasting flowering. This succulent reaches 15 cm in height, has small, light green leaves and bright, rather large flowers in shades of yellow, pink, and lilac. The center of the flowers is often white. 

Mesembryanthemum limpopo

Mesembryanthemum Sparkles

A small leafy succulent, covered with droplets of moisture, reaches a height of 15 cm. The leaves are green and oblong. The flowers are lemon yellow, pink, salmon, white, lilac, in pastel colors, reminiscent of chamomile. 

Mesembryanthemum Sparkles

Mesembryanthemum harlequin

 A very profusely flowering perennial plant with flowers in a wide range of colors - from white, yellow, pink, orange, lilac, salmon to bi-color shades. It does not exceed 10 cm in height, flowering is abundant and long-lasting.

Mesembryanthemum harlequin

Mesembryanthemum cordifolium

A miniature succulent plant that has another name - apthenia This is a well known groundcover or creeping evergreen and grows quickly. The roots are fleshy and thick. Succulent stems are tetrahedral or round, 60 cm long, recumbent. The green leaves are fleshy, flat, heart-shaped or oval, 6 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, arranged in pairs or alternately. There are variegated forms. Flowers with numerous petals of purple, red, shiny, about 15 mm in diameter, arranged singly or in small groups on short axillary peduncles. Synonym: Apthenia cordifolia. 

Mesembryanthemum cordifolium