

Origin. Africa.

Description. Annona is a woody plant, in nature up to 15 m high; indoor growth is limited by dishes. With sufficient light, it blooms and sets edible fruits at the age of 3 - 5 years. An upright evergreen tree, with large, glossy, dark green elliptical, oblong, obovate leaves. Petiole 5 - 12 mm long, glabrous. Young stems have sparse pubescence; often when damaged, the leaves emit a pleasant aroma.

The flowers are fragrant, fragrant, up to 5 cm in diameter, with fleshy yellow-green petals. Unfortunately, each flower only remains open for 1 day. The fruits are large, heart-shaped, very tasty, large - weighing up to 3 kg, greenish-yellow, with white flesh. 

Height. 3 - 5 m in culture. 


Annona - home care


Propagated by pre-soaked seeds in late winter or spring. If the seedlings do not have time to lignify, they may die in winter. Seeds can be pre-soaked in a growth stimulator for a day using cotton wool or gauze. Sowing is carried out with the pointed end down, only lightly sprinkled with loose soil. Sprouts appear within 2-4 weeks, it is important to maintain a high temperature for seed germination - 25-30 ° C. Seedlings are covered with a transparent plastic bag or glass to maintain the required level of humidity. The lid is removed when the sprouts straighten out. Young plants are often helped to get rid of the remains of the seed coat. Such plants bloom for the first time at the age of 3-6 years. Some species can be propagated by cuttings. Many annonas can be propagated by air layering and grafting.



If necessary, the shape of the tree can be shaped by careful pruning. Annona does not like too much pruning, but you can often force plants to branch simply by tearing off the leaves - new branches form in these places. Depending on the species, the annona may behave like an evergreen tree or lose some or even all of its leaves. 


Flowering time

Spring Summer. The onset of flowering can be stimulated by keeping the plant cool for 2 - 5 days, at a temperature of about 7  ° C.

Soil for annona 

Best growth occurs in deep, rich, well-drained, porous soils.

Temperature conditions

Normal room temperature, in winter it is lowered to 15° C. The plant can withstand even short frosts if it is in fairly dry soil. 



It is very light-loving, but you should not keep the bush in direct rays during hot daylight hours. In autumn and winter, bushes should be artificially illuminated - proper lighting directly affects flowering.


Annona fertilizer

During the growing season every 2 weeks. Plants respond positively to organic fertilizers.



No special requirements. 



Does not like waterlogging. During the dormant period, limit watering, and if the tree has dropped its leaves, stop it completely until new buds swell. The need for regular watering can be judged by slightly drooping leaves.


Transplantation is carried out as rarely as possible - it is better to change the top layer of soil in adult plants. Bushes are afraid of damage to the roots and suffer for a long time after transplantation - use transshipment.


Pests and diseases

The main pests are mealybugs, thrips and spider mites.


Recommended for use in large winter gardens. The pulp of the fruit is excellent for making drinks; the fruits are edible and tasty. All parts of the tree are used in natural medicine. 


Annona squamosa

Annona squamata in its natural environment is a tree up to 6 m high with thick, powerful branches. The leaves are oblong - lanceolate, green, arranged alternately, with short, pubescent petioles. When damaged, the leaf blades emit a pleasant smell. The flowers are solitary, or collected in small inflorescences of 2 - 6 pieces, and do not fully open. The fruits are large, ovoid, with creamy white flesh and a sweet, custard-like taste. 

Annona squamosa

Annona glabra

    A large species, reaching a height of 15 m. The leaves are oblong, pointed, with a glossy surface. The flowers are single, up to 3 cm in diameter. Annona smooth is the most unpretentious species and is often used as a rootstock for more demanding varieties of Annona. 

Annona glabra