

Origin. 5 species in Arabia and tropical eastern and southern Africa.

Description. Acokanthera is an evergreen shrub, sometimes a small tree, up to 6 m, grows slowly. Contains poisonous sticky milky juice. Characterized by the presence of fragrant flowers with a sweetish aroma. The leaves are opposite, smooth, usually obovate, sometimes elliptical. The inflorescence is apical, 1 - 2 - flowered. The flowers are almost sessile, collected in dense heads, softly pubescent on the outside, white or pink, with a strong aroma; the petals are ovate-lanceolate. The poisonous berries are green, and as they ripen they turn bright purple or black.


Height. Up to 6 meters in natural environment.

Acokanthera - home care

Temperature of the flower content

The usual room temperature of 20 - 26°C is quite suitable. In winter at 12 - 15°C. 


Acokanthera prefers direct sunlight.


Growing acocanthera

Acokanthera is an unpretentious plant for the home; the flowers will feel great in summer in pots outside. You can trim the plant; pinching the tops promotes better branching.


Soil for plants

Well-drained, fertile, soil pH 6.0 to 8.0. 



Feed every 14 days during the growing season. 

When does acokanthera bloom?

The plant is distinguished by very early flowering - it can begin as early as the end of winter and lasts until mid-spring.



An attractive ornamental foliage and flowering plant for the winter garden.

Air humidity

Only high humidity is suitable - about 70%; it must be sprayed regularly.


Water with soft water abundantly and regularly during the growing season; in the winter months, do not allow the earthen clod to dry out. 


Transplantation of acocanthera

Approximately every 2 - 3 years as the plant grows.


Seeds are sown in spring or autumn at a temperature of about 22°C. Using apical cuttings at 25 - 30° C, always rooting them under glass in warm sand. 


Pests and diseases

Very rarely, spider mites and scale insects sometimes appear.


Keep in a greenhouse where the temperature is controlled. The plant is very poisonous! 


Acokanthera oblongifolia

   An evergreen shrub with dark green, oblong, glossy, thick leaves. The lower surface of the leaf blade is painted in a lighter shade. The flowers are white and pink, collected in large inflorescences - brushes. Flowering is long lasting. The fruits are oval and become black when ripe.

Acocantera oblongifolia