Family. Apocynaceae.
Origin. Tropical regions of Asia.
Description. The genus "tabernaemontana" consists of approximately 120 species of plants that are perennial evergreen shrubs with a rounded crown. The stems branch abundantly, young shoots are green, but with age they become lignified and covered with light brown bark. When damaged, they secrete milky juice. The leaves are large, glossy, dark green, oblong-oval, up to 15 cm long, arranged oppositely. The flowers are single, white with 5 rounded petals, up to 5 cm in diameter. Modern varieties have corrugated edges of the petals and fragrant flowers. In appearance, the bush resembles jasmine.
Height. This shrub grows slowly and reaches a height of 1 - 2 m, but it is easy to regulate by pruning.
Care at home
Adapts well to most types of substrate, but prefers soil with a high organic content, good drainage and a slightly acidic pH.
It is propagated by semi-woody stem cuttings in the warm season. Rooting is carried out in a warm place using growth hormones. Sometimes cuttings are rooted in water with the addition of finely ground charcoal. Tabernaemontana seeds are sown in the spring in a nutritious and loose substrate. This method of propagation is suitable only for patient gardeners - the seeds germinate quickly - within 2 weeks, but the seedlings develop slowly.
Diseases and pests
When grown in soil with a neutral pH, chlorosis may appear on the leaf blades - they will turn yellowish. In autumn, plants may lose their lower leaves - this is normal. The tips of the leaves turn yellow and dry out when there is insufficient air humidity and high temperature.
Harmful insects - whitefly, mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, thrips, scale insects.
Growing, pruning
Easy to grow indoors with minimal care. After flowering, the plants can be trimmed to the desired height. Tabernaemontana tolerates even heavy pruning. The tree will appreciate being outdoors during the warmer months.
Replant an indoor flower only if necessary, in the spring, using transshipment. Since replanting large tub plants is difficult, they simply replace the top layer of soil 5 - 7 cm thick with fresh one every year.
During the growing season, the soil is moistened so that the top layer has time to dry before each watering. In the winter months, the frequency of watering is reduced in accordance with the temperature in the room. When kept cool, the soil should dry out to about half its depth.
When it blooms
It blooms most profusely in April-June, but individual flowers can appear on the plant at any other time of the year.
In spring and summer, feed with water-soluble fertilizer at half strength every 2 weeks. With year-round warm conditions, fertilizing can also be carried out in the cold season, but their frequency should be reduced to 1 time per month. Loves organic fertilizers.
Containment temperature
The flower can be kept all year round at a temperature of 18–24 °C, but it is better to provide a winter dormant period in a cool room with a temperature of 5–10 °C. The plant can withstand short-term frosts.
Tabernaemontana can be grown in partial shade, but lack of light will negatively affect flowering. It is best to place it in a well-lit area with plenty of reflected sunlight.
If the temperature exceeds 20° C, it is worth increasing the air humidity using a tray with wet pebbles or a room humidifier. It should be sprayed in the morning with soft water at room temperature. The plant does not like dry and hot air from radiators.
A beautifully flowering and unpretentious shrub.
Tabernaemontana divaricata
Multi-stemmed flowering shrub with abundantly branched, thin, flexible stems forming a rounded crown. The leaves are dark green, oblong-lanceolate, entire, glossy, with branched veins, on short petioles, arranged in opposite pairs. The flowers are white, with a yellow center, with five oblong petals, collected in small apical inflorescences. The plants reach a height of 1.5 - 3 m.
Tabernaemontana Super Silver
Flowering, variegated shrub, with narrow, lanceolate, entire leaves, the surface of which is covered with a silvery coating. The flowers are white, solitary, appearing on the tips of the shoots.