Family. Araliaceae.
Origin. Artificial hybrid of ivy and fatsia.
Description. Fatshedera is a perennial evergreen shrub with erect stems. The leaves are green, palmately divided into 5 segments, glossy, up to 20 cm in diameter, on long petioles, densely covering the entire length of the stems. In warm weather, fatshedera produces greenish flowers. Varieties with variegated leaves are distinguished by white, cream or yellow stripes.
Height. In indoor conditions, the plant reaches 1.20 - 2.50 m in height.
Care at home
Semi-ripe stem cuttings 5 - 8 cm long. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings and rooted in moist peat with the addition of sand under a cover of transparent plastic or glass with the use of growth hormones for 1 - 1.5 months.
How to maintain a fatshedera
The plant is unpretentious and does not require excessive care, tolerates significant fluctuations in temperature and lighting. Cut the stems to the desired height in early spring. Tall specimens should be provided with support. Pinch the tips of young shoots to get abundant side shoots.
Young plants are transplanted annually into larger pots in the spring. The size of the container affects the final height of the plant. Adult fatshederas are replanted every 2 to 3 years.
Prefers soil rich in humus, well drained.
Diseases and pests
The lower leaves fall off when the soil becomes too dry or too wet for a long time. Exposure to direct sunlight causes burns on the leaves.
Among the harmful insects for the plant, mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, scale insects, thrips, and whiteflies can pose a certain danger.
When it blooms
It rarely blooms indoors, but is very decorative at any time of the year due to its leaves.
Even during the growth period, watering should be economical. The soil is dried to a depth of 3 - 5 cm before each subsequent watering. In the cold season, the frequency of watering will depend on the temperature of the content.
During the growing season, fatshedera tolerates a wide range of temperature conditions. During the winter months, a cool resting period at temperatures no higher than 10° C is necessary. Variegated varieties are grown year-round at normal room temperatures.
Well-lit places without direct sunlight are preferred. Species with green leaves are successfully grown in shaded areas, but variegated ones require good lighting.
In spring and summer, feed 2 times a month with liquid fertilizers.
When hot weather sets in, mist the leaves with a fine spray bottle of room temperature water or place the pot on a tray of damp pebbles.
A large decorative foliage plant that looks great in vertical gardening.
As plants age, the lower part of the stems may become bare; replace them with young specimens.
Grows well in hydroponics.
Fatshedera lizei
A beautiful evergreen bush that can be grown as a groundcover or as a liana. The flexible stems of fatshedera reach a length of 3 m. The leaves are large, carved, 5-fingered, dark green. Variegated varieties have light green, dark green or white stripes, located mainly along the edges of the leaf blades. The petioles of the leaves are thin, long, often painted in burgundy. During the flowering period, small inflorescences are formed - umbrellas, consisting of greenish flowers with a diameter of 4 - 6 mm.