Family. Araucariaceae.
Where does grow in nature? Norfolk Island.
Description. Coniferous, evergreen, very beautiful plant. Its long, horizontal branches are densely covered with short, soft needles that become darker with age.
Araucaria domestica is similar in appearance to pine.
In its native habitat, it is a tree up to 60 m high. As an indoor species, it will reach about 90 cm - 1.8 m. It develops slowly, so it will reach a height of more than a meter only in a few years. In natural conditions, it grows at moderate temperatures, fairly high air humidity and in bright sunlight. Dry indoor air, rare watering and poor lighting can cause the needles to fall off and not grow back. Cones are divided into male and female, and both can be found on the same plant. With proper care, it can decorate the interior for many years.
Height. At home it reaches 1.8 m in height.
Care at home
Reproduction, growing from seeds
Propagated by stem cuttings, quite difficult. You can try to root the top of an adult tree, but the survival rate is low, and the rooting process should be accompanied by growth stimulants. Before planting, the cut site is dried in the air for several days. Young seedlings are covered with transparent plastic or glass on top to maintain uniform humidity. Rooting should occur at a temperature of about 25 ° C. You can grow from seeds, although this will take several years.
Repotting is done in spring, as needed. Representatives of this genus develop slowly, especially indoors. Repot the tree in a slightly larger pot every 3 years or simply replace the top layer of soil - about 5 - 7 cm. Repot also if the tips of the roots appear above the soil surface. Be careful not to damage the root system, as it extends just below the surface of the substrate. When planting, it is placed at the same depth at which it was before repotting. An important component for development is the size of the pot - tight pots make growth stop.
How to care
Over time, the lower shoots become less attractive - they are removed with a sharp pruner. In general, pruning is not recommended, but it will make an overly elongated plant more bushy. Place the pot in the fresh air during the warm season. Araucaria does not like sudden changes in any conditions - accustom it to everything gradually. Good results are obtained by planting several specimens in one container - this way they will seem denser.
Soil-based, with a neutral or slightly acidic pH. To improve drainage, approximately 25 percent coarse river sand is added to the mixture. Plants love coniferous soil very much.
The average temperature for maintenance during the growing season is 16 - 24 °C, in winter - about 4 °C. In the absence of a dormant period, growth continues and with a lack of light, the tree can become ugly. The plant does not like heat above 25 °C.
Diseases and pests
Araucaria dries out and its needles fall off when the air is too dry. Keep the plant away from heat sources. Yellowing of needles is caused by too dry or damp soil. If the yellowed branches turn brown and droop after some time, we are most likely talking about a bay. Small specimens can be removed from the pot, trimmed off damaged roots and planted in fresh dry soil. Treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal. In the case of large trees with impressive dimensions, simply dry the soil before the next watering. In insufficient lighting, it will shed entire branches. When grown in a tight pot, the tips of the branches will dry out.
Pests are rare, with occasional mealybugs and spider mites.
Every 2 weeks from spring to autumn with liquid fertilizer diluted by half. Plant nutrition should contain a minimum amount of calcium.
Conditions of detention - lighting
Bright light with some direct sunlight. Rotate the pot around its own axis every week so that the araucaria forms symmetrically and does not stretch towards the sun.
Flowering time
Spring Summer.
Keep the soil evenly moist in spring and summer, slightly moist in winter. For irrigation, use only softened water at room temperature.
The house tree needs high humidity. Spray the shoots and leaves with room temperature water every 3 days or use a room humidifier. Place the pot in a constantly ventilated room with good air movement. If it is in a cool place during the winter months, stop spraying.
This species is sometimes grown as a spectacular indoor conifer in the bonsai style. Representatives of the genus have beautiful symmetry of leaves - needles and branches.
Araucaria araucana
A native of Chile and Argentina, it has the highest frost resistance. A. chilean is the largest representative of the genus and can reach a height of 60 m. The tree forms a beautiful, regular pyramidal crown. In mature trees, the lower part of the trunk becomes bare and the green branches remain only at the top of the plant, forming something like an umbrella. The seeds of this plant are edible and resemble pine nuts.
Araucaria bidwillii
A distinctive feature of this species is the dark brown or even almost black, peeling bark. Bidwill's araucaria in its natural environment grows up to 45 m and has a dome-shaped crown.
Araucaria heterophylla
A fast-growing coniferous tree, probably the most attractive species. Forms a symmetrical pyramidal crown. Young leaves - needles have an elongated, oblong shape. In mature trees, the leaves take the form of triangular scales that tightly cover the branches. Thanks to these features, Araucaria received the name variegated.
Araucaria excelsa
A very airy, lacy-like decorative foliage plant with a symmetrical, pyramidal crown shape. Under natural conditions, it grows up to 65 m high, and the trunk reaches a diameter of 3 m. When grown indoors, the height often does not exceed 2 m, and annually the plants add about 15 cm in height. An interesting feature of the plants is that the branches are arranged in tiers on the trunk. The leaves are green, long, very thin, needle-shaped. During the flowering period, the plant forms male cones about 5 cm long and female cones, larger, from 10 to 12 cm long. The variety is often grown at home.
Araucaria angustifolia
In its natural environment, Araucaria angustifolia grows into a large tree, reaching 40 m. With age, the lower part of the trunk becomes bare, and a lush green cap is formed in the upper part, due to which the plant becomes similar to a pine tree. The branches are collected in whorls of 4 - 8 pieces. The leaves are quite thick, hard, green, oblong triangular, 3 to 6 cm long, very densely covering the plant stems. The plants are dioecious - that is, male and female cones are formed on different specimens. Male cones are small in size - reaching a length of 6 cm. Female cones mature within a year and a half after pollination, and reach a length of 18 - 25 cm. Female cones are round, green, covered with symmetrical scales. The seeds of the plant are edible and taste like pine nuts; they are used as food by residents of Southern Brazil.
Araucaria cunninghamii
A large evergreen tree, 45 to 60 m high, growing very slowly. The branches are collected in tiers into whorls of 4 - 7 raised pieces. The leaves abundantly cover thin branches in a spiral, oblong triangular, about 1 cm long, green, hard, with very spiny tips. Some plants form only male cones from 2 to 5 cm long, while others form only female cones up to 10 cm long.
Araucaria columnaris
In nature, these are evergreen trees with a pyramidal crown up to 60 cm high. The branches are horizontal, collected in tiered whorls around the trunk. Thin shoots are covered with spirally arranged, small, green, triangular leaves 4 to 7 mm long. The leaves often fit tightly to the branches. Male cones are cylindrical in shape and reach a length of 5 to 10 cm. Female cones are larger - from 10 to 15 cm.