Coconut tree

FamilyArecaceae or Palms.

Where does it grow? Tropics of America.

Description. Palm trees with single, graceful, gray trunks 20 - 30 m high, crowned with a crown of feathery, green leaves about 2 m long. The trunks contain traces of long leaf petioles. The leaves are long - about 60 cm, quite hard, curved. In its natural environment it blooms throughout the year. Inflorescences are large, pendulous, axillary panicles up to 2 m long with male and female yellow flowers. The fruits are ovoid nuts with a dense green skin, inside which hides a fibrous brown shell.

Height. In nature it reaches 30 m in height, when grown indoors - about 3 m, grows slowly.

Coconut palm


A demanding palm tree that needs to be provided with very warm conditions and high air humidity. 

How to grow from seeds 

The seeds are sown in spring. Germination occurs only at temperatures of about 23 - 25 ° C.

When it blooms 

Flowering occurs extremely rarely in culture.

How to replant

Young plants are replanted every year in the spring. For large palm trees, the top layer of soil is changed. 

Coconut palm


 Well-drained soil with a sufficient content of coarse river sand and a neutral or slightly acidic pH. A mixture based on peat with the addition of leaf humus, sphagnum, small pieces of pine bark, fallen pine needles and small pieces of charcoal is suitable. The substrate must allow water and air to pass through well. Coconut grows well on sandy loam soils.

Containment temperature

In spring and summer it tolerates heat well, the minimum permissible temperature at this time is 21 ° C. In winter it can be kept at normal room temperature, but it would be better to provide cool content with a temperature of about 14 ° C; it does not tolerate frost. 

Growing conditions - lighting

Brightly lit location at any time of the year. Shading can only be done on a summer afternoon. In autumn and winter, you can add fluorescent lamps.

Diseases and pests 

The tips of the leaves dry out and turn brown with low air humidity or insufficient watering. Without drainage, the palm tree may rot.

Harmful insects - spider mites if kept too dry, mealybugs, scale insects and false scale insects, aphids.

Coconut palm

Watering a coconut tree 

In summer, water regularly and abundantly with warm water; excess water accumulated in the pan must be drained. In autumn and winter, the frequency of watering will depend on the temperature.


Feed monthly during the growing season - in spring and summer. 


High humidity; mist the foliage regularly or place the palm on a tray of damp pebbles.


A large, spectacular indoor plant that will require a lot of free space. You can decorate a large and bright hall with this palm tree. 


Specimens of this species are long-lived and can reach the age of 100 years, but only with very good care. Coconut milk is consumed as a refreshing drink. Coconut pulp is used to make confectionery.

Coconut palm