

Origin. South and South West Africa.

Description. The genus Orbea contains 56 species of perennial leafless succulent plants, extremely diverse in shape, color and size. The stems are erect or recumbent, tetrahedral with noticeable large teeth on the tops of the edges, green, bluish-green, often branching at the base, sometimes with weak pubescence. When grown in direct sunlight, the stems acquire a burgundy tan. The flowers are very showy, with 5 round or long, thick petals and a protruding ring in the center, from 1 to 10 cm in diameter, appearing on any part of the stems, but more often closer to the tips. Many resemble starfish in appearance. The buds often have an unpleasant odor, which attracts pollinators - flies. Color shades vary from yellow, white, pink, red, purple and burgundy, often with spots.

Height. The bush reaches 20-30 cm in height.


Home care

Temperature conditions

Heat-loving plants that can be kept at room temperature all year round. They tolerate short-term drops of up to 10 ° C if they are in dry soil. 



Different species need different levels of light. Some prefer bright light from direct sunlight, while others need shading during the daytime.



A very impressive and unpretentious plant. 



Orbea is easily propagated by stem cuttings in spring and summer. Dry the cut site for several days. Rooting is carried out in wet sand. With good care, young seedlings can bloom in the first year of life. Propagation is possible with fresh seeds, which are sown in spring. Specimens obtained from seeds will bloom at the age of 2 - 3 years.



Most species prefer well-drained, nutrient-poor soils with a high content of coarse river sand. Can be grown in ready-made mineral-based mixtures for cacti and succulents.


Monthly, during the growth period, feed with liquid fertilizers for succulent plants in half the concentration. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped. 



Hanging baskets will allow the stems to cascade over the edges in a beautiful cascade.

Flowering time


Air humidity

Orbeas tolerate dry air in heated rooms well and do not need to be misted. Provide the succulent with a place where it will receive sufficient air movement without cold drafts.



Plants are highly drought-resistant, so watering should be plentiful, but not frequent. During the dormant period, the soil should be almost dry.


Repot every 2-3 years in spring, when new growth begins, into shallow clay bowls. After planting, you can surround the root collar with a layer of coarse sand or fine gravel for better drainage.


Pests and diseases

Rotting due to insufficient drainage. The plant may die within a few days.

Of the harmful insects, the flower can be attacked by mealybugs and scale insects.


Orbea variegata

A perennial succulent with thick, branched, erect or drooping green stems, the stems turn burgundy when grown in direct sunlight. The flowers are large - reaching a diameter of 6 - 7 cm, very brightly colored - dark burgundy spots and stripes are located on a light cream or greenish background. The lower surface of the petals is uniform - light. 


Orbea commutata

A plant with erect, light green stems, often covered with a bluish waxy coating. The stems have large, sharp thorns along their entire length and branch profusely at the base. During the flowering period, small, star-shaped flowers with 5 oblong, pointed petals of burgundy color appear at the tops of the stems.
