Family. Asparagaceae.
Origin. Western Asia, Iran.
Description. Danae is a small perennial subshrub with long, green, erect, elegantly arched stems. The thick, waxy, green leaves, up to 9 cm long, are actually... a modified flattened stem that stores water in drought conditions. Tiny white or slightly greenish flowers appear in summer on the tips of shoots in inflorescences - racemes, but very briefly. Male and female flowers are present on the same plant; as a rule, inflorescences with male flowers are smaller and contain a small number of flowers compared to female ones. The plant takes on its most attractive appearance in the fall, after flowering, when it produces red-orange fruits - berries that contrast with the dark green foliage.
Height. Up to 1 m.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
Danae tolerates a wide range of temperatures, even short-term frosts down to -5 ° C. In winter, in order to give the plant a dormant period, place it in a cool place with a temperature of about 6 - 7 ° C.
Adapts well to different lighting conditions, but, of course, will prefer a well-lit place without direct rays of the sun.
Danae is an incredibly easy to care for and undemanding plant that tolerates both drought and growing in the shade. The size and shape of the plant is controlled by pruning and pinching out young shoots.
Well drained, nutritious - enriched with organic matter. Tolerates soils with a high content of clay and sand, provided there is sufficient moisture.
During the period of active growth twice a month.
In the autumn-winter period, danae is decorated with rather large, showy orange berries, which give it an additional decorative effect. Used for cutting and for arranging bouquets. It does not lose its attractiveness for a long time when cut.
Flowering time
From May to mid-summer.
Air humidity
No special requirements. Spraying is only needed to prevent pest invasion.
Soil moisture
Evenly moist soils are best suited for this plant, but it can also tolerate drought. In winter, watering should be reduced.
Young bushes are replanted annually or even several times a year - as they grow in the spring, adult specimens - every 2-3 years.
Propagated by seeds or division of adult plants. Plants develop rather slowly and reach maturity only at the age of 5 - 7 years.
Pests and diseases
Among the harmful insects, scale insects and mealybugs are sometimes found.