

Origin. China and Japan.

Description. Carmonas are evergreen shrubs or highly branched small trees with smooth gray bark up to 1 - 4 m high. The leaves are shiny, dark green, collected in whorls of 3 - 5, reverse - ovate or reverse - lanceolate, up to 4 cm long. and up to 2.5 cm wide. Young leaves have slight pubescence. The lower part of the leaf blade is lighter. The flowers are small, white, with 5 petals, fragrant, bloom almost all year round, up to 2 cm in diameter. After flowering, tiny, round, green, red or black berries are formed.

Height. In the natural environment 1 - 4 m, in culture it is regulated by pruning and is 30 - 80 cm.


Home care

When it blooms

It blooms almost all year round, but the greatest abundance of buds is observed in the summer.


Feed carmona every two weeks in spring and early summer. In autumn and winter, feeding is stopped. 

How to care 

The tree should be trimmed periodically to maintain a compact, neat shape. To prolong the flowering period, remove faded flowers. In spring and summer, if possible, move the plant to fresh air.

Diseases and pests 

Overwatering leads to rotting. This species is quite sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and light and may drop buds. Chlorosis.

Harmful insects - aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, red spider mites, whiteflies.



Young plants need a lot of water, mature specimens have some drought resistance. The frequency of watering depends on the temperature; water as the top layer of soil dries out. Use only soft water at room temperature for watering.


Propagated by apical cuttings taken in spring. The process is quite complicated. The lower part of the cutting is dipped in rooting powder. The pots with seedlings are placed in a very warm place with a temperature of at least 23 °C and covered with a polyethylene cap or glass to maintain humidity. The ventilation time is increased gradually. Seeds.

How to replant bonsai 

Transplantation is carried out in the spring. Adult plants are replanted every 2 years, cutting off the root system by half its length.


Soil for growing 

Loose, well-drained soil with sufficient organic matter in the form of peat and leaf humus. 

Containment temperature

Normal room temperature all year round.


A well-lit place without direct sunlight during the daytime. 



High air humidity. To increase humidity, use a room humidifier or place the plant pot on a tray of damp pebbles. The leaves can be sprayed periodically. 


Indoors it reaches a very respectable age - up to 70 years. 


Carmona can be used as a bonsai, as it develops a strong, attractive, woody trunk with age.



Carmona microphylla - Ehretia buxifolia

Attractive decorative deciduous trees, which in their natural habitat reach a height of 3 - 4.5 m and develop quite quickly. The shoots are abundantly branched and become covered with light brown bark with age. The leaves are glossy, green, with slight pubescence, 1 - 5 cm long. The flowers are delicate, white, star-shaped, solitary, up to 1 cm in diameter. The fruits are round orange berries.

Carmona  microphylla or boxleaf erethia - Ehretia buxifolia

Carmona macrophylla

Evergreen shrubs or even low trees with dark green, glossy, oval leaves on short petioles. The flowers are solitary, white, and over time turn into round reddish berries. The stems of the plant become woody with age and become covered with light brown bark, which cracks on old trunks. 

Carmona macrophylla