

Origin. Argentina, Bolivia.

Description. Helianthocereus is a fairly variable species. Powerful cactus 15 - 90 cm tall. The stems are dark green, spherical or cylindrical, 5 - 35 cm in diameter with 12 - 18 distinct ribs. In some species, with age, the stems branch closer to the base. The spines are yellowish or brownish in color, about 1 cm long. The flowers are showy, very bright, funnel-shaped, 7 - 12 cm long and about 9 cm in diameter, bright red, purple, pink, creamy white, appearing on the tops of the stems. After flowering, ovoid fruits are sometimes formed, 3.5 - 5 cm long, 2 - 3 cm in diameter, green, covered with scales and hairs, with white flesh. The seeds are black, glossy, small - 1.3 - 1.5 mm.

Height. From 25 cm to 1 m.


Home care

Temperature conditions

In the warm season, normal room temperature is suitable; in winter, it is advisable to reduce it to 10 - 12 ° C.


A brightly lit place without direct sunlight during the day.  


This species grows quite quickly with good care and feeding and can add up to 10 cm in height each year. During the winter months, keep the cactus in a cool, bright place and try to put it into a dormant state by reducing watering and stopping feeding. If you do not change the conditions, then on rather dark winter days, the helianthocereus will suffer from a lack of light, and its stems will become thin and elongated.



Requires fertile, well-drained soil with sufficient coarse sand or perlite.


During the growing season, feed monthly with liquid cactus fertilizer.

Flowering time


Air humidity

Prefers dry air and can do without spraying at all. 


Soil moisture

During warmer months, water deeply, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings. This species consumes quite a lot of water compared to other cacti. Reduce watering to a minimum in winter, just do not allow the earthen ball to dry out.


Replanting should be done in the spring every two years as the plant grows and develops, or as the substrate needs to be changed. 


Seeds that germinate very easily in loose, nutritious soil. Cover the seedlings with a plastic cover or glass to maintain humidity levels. Take stem cuttings (if any) in the spring, drying the cut site for several days before planting.

Pests and diseases

Helianthocereus are susceptible to fungal diseases when overwatered.

Harmful insects can include mealybugs, spider mites and scale insects.


Can be used as a rootstock.
