Family. Cactaceae.
Origin. Mexico.
Description. Isolatocereus is a tall tree-like cactus with erect stems, which often branch at the base with age and in natural conditions reach a height of 10 m. The stems are green or bluish, with well-defined straight and wide ribs. The areoles are densely arranged, the spines are light, yellowish. The flowers are up to 5 cm long, tubular, greenish-white or yellow, appear at the top of the stems and open at night, but remain open during the day.
Height. Only small young plants are kept in cultivation.
Home care
Temperature conditions
Heat-loving cacti that are kept at normal room temperature all year round.
A brightly lit place; in the autumn and winter months, direct sunlight is allowed in the morning and evening hours.
Ready-made mixture for cacti with the addition of coarse river sand or perlite to improve drainage.
During the period of active growth, feed with liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents with a reduced nitrogen content every month in half the concentration.
It is quite rare in the collections of cactus lovers due to its size.
Flowering time
Summer, the flowering period can last up to a month, as the buds open one by one.
Air humidity
There are no special requirements; the dry air of apartments is quite comfortable for these plants.
Soil moisture
The best time to water the plant is when the soil becomes dry from spring to late fall. Keep almost dry in winter.
Young plants are repotted every year in the spring when they grow into a larger pot. Mature specimens need to be repotted every 3-4 years. This cactus has quite sharp spines; when handling it, you should take care to protect your hands.
Seeds sown in spring at a temperature of 21 ° C - 26.6 ° C. Cuttings rooted in damp sand, and the cut site should be dried for several days.
Pests and diseases
Rotting due to waterlogging and stagnation of water, especially in the cold season.
Harmful insects can include mealybugs, spider mites and scale insects.