

Origin. Mexico. 

DescriptionKrainzia are small spherical or ovoid cacti. The stems are green or bluish, up to 10 cm high and 4 - 10 cm in diameter, so densely covered with spines that they are often completely hidden by them. The areoles are often pubescent, with very long spines. The flowers appear at the top of the stem, often numerous and very bright, mostly pink, but can be salmon, yellow, orange or white, very attractive, up to 6 cm in diameter. They first bloom at the age of 3 years.

Height. Up to 10 cm.


Care at home

Temperature conditions

This heat-loving cactus will enjoy the heat of summer, but will require a cool overwinter during the winter months to bloom profusely. The temperature at this time should be about 10 ° C.


A brightly lit place with access to direct sunlight in the morning and evening hours. Shading is possible only from mid-spring to early autumn during the hottest hours.


Very porous soil; a ready-made mixture for growing cacti with a small amount of organic matter in the form of peat and leaf humus is suitable. It is necessary to add a large amount of coarse river sand to the substrate. pH is about 5.8.


During the growing season, the krainzia is fed with fertilizers for cacti and succulents with a high content of potassium and phosphorus and a low content of nitrogen.

Flowering time

Spring – summer, the flowering period can be very long.

Air humidity

Provide a location where these cacti will receive good air movement without cold drafts. It does not require spraying; during the winter months the air in the room should be dry.

Soil moisture

Watering is plentiful, but not frequent. The soil should dry out almost completely before each subsequent watering. Plants that are dormant in winter will require very little moisture and watering can be practically stopped for the entire winter.


Krainzia prefer somewhat cramped conditions, since an excess amount of soil when grown in a spacious pot can retain moisture and the plants will rot. Adult cacti are replanted in the spring, every 2 - 3 years. 


Grafting onto less demanding rootstocks. By separating the lateral shoots, dry the cut area for several days so that the cutting does not rot in the new conditions. Sowing seeds in spring, at a temperature of at least 21 ° C under a glass or plastic cover. The ventilation time after germination, which occurs within 1 - 2 weeks, is increased gradually.

Pests and diseases

Krainzia often rot due to excess moisture. Flowering will be less abundant if grown in low light conditions or without a dormant period.

Red mites, mealybugs, thrips and aphids sometimes appear.


These cacti have very long and sharp spines - protect your hands when handling the plant. The spines were used in Mexico to make fishhooks.