

Origin. Mexico.

Description. Although Leuchtenbergia looks like an agave, it is a cactus with a deep taproot system. The stem is cylindrical, woody with age, covered with long grayish-green tubercles that look like agave leaves and completely hide the stem. At the top of these tubercles are corollas containing thorns. Having reached the age of 4 years, adult specimens can form large cream, white or yellow funnel-shaped buds. The flowers reach a diameter of up to 5 centimeters each and have a pleasant aroma. Each bud remains open and attractive for several days.

Height. Under natural conditions it grows up to 120 centimeters, in indoor culture it rarely exceeds 20 centimeters and grows very slowly.


Home care

Temperature conditions

Like most cacti, it prefers to be at a temperature of 24 - 26 ° C in spring and summer. The plant requires a cool dormant period at a temperature of 12 - 15 ° C. In the cold season, the temperature should not fall below 8 ° C. A dormant period is necessary for flowering in the next season. 


Leuchtenbergia prefers brightly lit areas with shade on hot summer days; it should receive 3 - 4 hours of direct sun every day in the morning and evening hours. In autumn and winter, you can provide with the most lighted place. 


You can purchase a ready-made mixture for cacti and succulents, or make your own from leaf humus, peat and a large amount of coarse river sand. The main condition for the successful cultivation of this plant is the presence of good drainage.


From spring to autumn, feed with fertilizers for cacti, diluted to half the recommended dose monthly. In autumn and winter, feeding is stopped.

Flowering time

Summer. The flowers open sequentially and the flowering period is quite long.


Air humidity

In general, representatives of this species tolerate dry air in living spaces well and do not need spraying. Even when watering, you should be very careful, since drops of water falling on the stems when there is insufficient air movement can cause rotting.

Soil moisture

It is better to dry out leuchtenbergia than to overwater it. This cactus tolerates short-term drought well, so the soil should dry out almost completely at any time of the year between waterings. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, just trying not to dry out the earthen ball.


Repotting is done in spring, before active growth begins. Since Leuchtenbergia has a large, deep root system, choose a deep pot for growing. Clay pots with walls that allow water and air to pass through are best. Mature specimens can remain in the same soil and in the same pot for a long time and need repotting about every 3 years. The pot for planting plants should have sufficiently large drainage holes.


Propagated by sowing seeds in spring. After sowing and when the seedlings are too small, watering should be replaced by spraying. The crops are covered with glass or a plastic cap to maintain humidity. Young cacti are often grafted onto more resistant rootstocks. Separated lateral shoots of this plant can be used as cuttings. Do not forget to dry the cut to prevent rotting of the cuttings. Rooting is carried out in coarse wet sand.

Pests and diseases

Plants often rot if there is no proper drainage or if they are watered too frequently, especially during the colder months.

Red mites, mealybugs, thrips and aphids sometimes appear. 
