Family. Cactaceae.
Origin. Argentina, Brazil and Peru.
Description. Lobivias are small, spherical cacti, some often taking on a cylindrical shape with age. The stems are dark green, grayish green or even purple, up to 20 cm high and up to 15 cm in diameter. The ribs are numerous, vertical, and clearly defined. The spines are straight and brown, but fade and become lighter with age. Flowers appear mainly in the upper part of the stem on high peduncles, funnel-shaped, up to 5 cm in diameter, in a very rich range of colors - from white to yellow, orange, pink, red.
Height. Up to 20 cm.
Care at home
Growing temperature
In spring and summer, keep at normal room temperature. During the winter dormant period, the temperature must be lowered to 5 - 10 ° C. It tolerates short frosts if it is in dry soil. It is advisable to provide a difference between day and night temperatures.
When does bloom?
Spring Summer. With proper care, lobivia readily blooms in indoor culture.
Like most cacti, it needs very good lighting. Shading is possible only on very hot spring and summer days, when sun activity is high.
How to care for a cactus
A cool rest period stimulates the formation of flower buds and also slows down the growth of the cactus. With a lack of light in the fall and winter, rapid development is undesirable - weak shoots will be susceptible to fungal diseases.
Lobivia is propagated by seeds, cuttings or root shoots. Seeds are sown in spring, and spraying is used instead of watering. Cuttings and root shoots are carefully separated with a sharp sterile instrument. The cutting site is dried for several days to prevent the cuttings from rotting. Rooting occurs within 2 - 6 weeks.
Very well-drained, porous soil with a high sand content and slightly acidic pH.
Feed monthly from spring to fall with a low-nitrogen cactus and succulent fertilizer.
Select a deep pot with large drainage holes for replanting, as lobivia has a large tap root system. They are replanted if necessary; adult plants can remain for several years in the same pot and need to be replanted every 2 - 3 years, in the spring. When planting, the root collar can be surrounded by a layer of coarse sand or fine gravel.
Due to their small size, a whole collection of Lobivias can fit on a regular windowsill.
Air humidity
It tolerates the dry air of heated rooms well and does not require spraying. Loves ventilated rooms with constant air movement.
The soil should dry out between waterings at any time of the year. In autumn, watering is reduced to a minimum and in winter it simply protects the soil from drying out completely.
Pests and diseases
When overmoistened, especially during the winter dormant period, it becomes susceptible to rot.
Cacti can be attacked by spider mites, false scale insects, scale insects, mealybugs, and nematodes.