

Origin. Mexico.

Description. Pereskiopsis is an amazing leaf cactus, a shrub with vertically growing stems covered with thick, juicy, green, often narrow leaves. The branches have areoles with thorns. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter appear at the tops of the stems, very bright and attractive - pink, red or yellow, open during the day.

Height. Shoots reach a length of 1.5 - 2 m and grow relatively quickly.


Care at home

Temperature conditions

At any time of the year, with sufficient light, this plant will enjoy warm conditions. Make sure that the temperature does not drop below 15°C during the winter months. 


A very light-loving cactus. To form strong, healthy specimens, they need at least 3-4 hours of direct sunlight per day in the morning and evening hours. During the day, in the spring and summer months, light shading is possible. If there is a lack of natural light, artificial supplementary lighting with fluorescent lamps is possible.


Pereskiopsis is unpretentious and easy to grow for novice gardeners. It tolerates neglect rather than careful care. Long stems may require support. In summer, the pot can be taken out into the fresh air under cover from the bright sun and rain.


Pereskiopsis requires more nutritious soil than most cacti; the organic content can reach up to 75 percent of the mixture. The soil should easily pass water and air, pH not higher than 6.5. A mixture of leaf humus, turf soil with a large amount of coarse river sand or perlite to improve drainage and small pieces of charcoal is suitable. You can use a ready-made substrate for cacti and succulents.


In spring and summer, feed with liquid fertilizer for cacti and succulent plants 2 times a month, diluting them to half the recommended dose. Feeding begins with the first signs of new growth. 



Pereskiopsis are often used as a rootstock for more finicky cacti.

Flowering time

When grown indoors, buds will only form with very good care.

Air humidity

Does not require spraying. In autumn and winter the air should be dry. The cactus likes ventilated rooms with constant air movement.

Soil moisture

In warm weather, watering should be abundant and regular. Between waterings, dry the soil to a depth of about 3 cm. In autumn, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced and in winter the soil is dried to half the depth.


Pereskiopsis is replanted in the spring, every 2 - 3 years. After transplantation, watering is stopped for approximately 5 - 7 days. 


Propagated by separating stem cuttings during spring pruning. The cut site is dried for 1-2 days before planting, and the base of the cutting is sprinkled with growth hormones. Young seedlings are placed in a warm place without direct sunlight; watering at this time is best replaced by spraying. Rooting occurs very quickly - within 1-2 weeks.

Pests and diseases

Cool soil makes the cactus shed its lower leaves, and if it is very dry, leaf fall is also possible. Pereskiopsis can rot if kept in cold conditions or with insufficient drainage. Putrefactive manifestations are especially common in the autumn-winter period.

Red mites, mealybugs, thrips and aphids sometimes appear.
