
Family. Cactaceae.

Origin. Mexico.

Description. Strombocactus is a miniature cactus with a spherical, slightly flattened or ovoid green stem. The stem has many shallow ribs arranged in a spiral. The species is distinguished by very high pyramidal or irregular tubercles, at the tops of which are areoles. The spines are short, sparse, often light. There may be no spines at the bottom of the stem. The flowers are quite large compared to the size of the plant itself, funnel-shaped, appear at the top of the stem, pastel shades of yellow, pink or white, up to 4 cm in diameter. Long and narrow petals have a silky sheen. The root system is deep and well developed.

Height. It grows slowly and reaches a maximum height of 20 cm.


Home care

Temperature conditions

From spring to autumn, normal room temperature. During the rest period - not lower than 8 ° C.


A brightly lit place with light shading only on hot summer days. In autumn and winter, provide maximum possible lighting.


A demanding species that requires a certain temperature regime and frequency of watering. 


Excellent drainage is critical when growing strombocacti. Their nutritional requirements are surprisingly modest. For growing these plants, soil with a small amount of organic matter and a high content of coarse sand, fine gravel or pebbles is suitable. 



In spring and summer, feed monthly with fertilizers for succulents and cacti at half concentration. In autumn, strombocactus go into a dormant state and stop feeding.


Experienced cactus growers will appreciate this graceful and petite species that looks great any time of year.

Flowering time

Buds adorn the shoots during the early months, but only adult specimens aged 8–10 years bloom.

Air humidity

A location with good air circulation is preferable. In autumn and winter the air should be dry. 

Soil moisture

Water very carefully in winter. At the end of March or beginning of April, start watering the plants so that the soil dries out between waterings to 1/3 of the depth. Make sure that water does not stagnate in the pan. In winter, keep watering to a minimum, just try not to dry out the earthen ball. 



This cactus can be in the same pot for many years. Transplantation is carried out in the spring, choosing a deep pot with large drainage holes. After planting, the root collar of the plant can be surrounded with a layer of coarse sand or fine gravel for better moisture drainage. 


Often strombocactus is propagated by seeds, but this process is only possible for specialists. Young specimens develop very slowly and often die before reaching maturity. Grafting on more unpretentious rootstocks.

Pests and diseases

When kept at room temperature in autumn and winter, the cactus does not have enough lighting and its stem becomes elongated and unsightly. Self-rooted cacti easily rot if the frequency of watering is not observed and there is insufficient drainage.

Red mites, mealybugs, thrips and aphids sometimes appear.
