

Origin. China, Korea.

Description. Carnation are hardy biennials, annuals or perennials with bright, fragrant flowers. There are more than 300 species of carnations, as well as hundreds of beautiful hybrids, blooming in spring or summer, sometimes right up until the first frost. The genus is valued for its blue-green foliage and abundance of star-shaped flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, which have a spicy aroma. Long flat leaves up to 10 cm long are arranged oppositely on knobby stems. The shades of the petals vary from pink, red, white to lavender. The buds are arranged singly or in inflorescences - corymbs.

Height. Most species do not exceed 25 - 50 cm in height, but some can reach 90 cm.


Planting and care


Remove faded flower buds to prolong the flowering period. Trim the inflorescences with sharp, sterile pruning shears.


Carnations are propagated by cuttings, layering or dividing adult specimens. Such plants usually bloom only the following year. Seeds are sown in spring or early summer in moist, well-drained soil. Seedlings are kept in the shade from direct sunlight at a temperature of 18 - 20 °C. Flowering occurs for the first time at the age of 6 - 7 months.


Transplantation is carried out in the spring. Make sure that the bush is at the same depth as in the previous pot. The root collar should be located flush with the soil surface.


Carnations appreciate cool conditions when the temperature does not exceed 20 ° C, optimally around 15 ° C. The plant does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. 



A brightly lit place is suitable for growing, where the shoots and leaves will receive at least 4-5 hours of direct sunlight every day.


Nutritious soil with good drainage and slightly alkaline pH. 


Feed monthly with liquid fertilizer for flowering species with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

When it blooms

From spring to frost, depending on the type. The flowering period is very long - up to 6 months. 


Carnations require good air circulation around the stems year-round and welcome occasional misting. 


Avoid overwatering as the leaves may turn yellow, but keep the soil evenly moist. Drain excess water from the pan. 


Diseases and pests 

The stems and roots of the plant can rot if overwatered. 

Most carnations that are properly cared for are not susceptible to disease or pest infestation. Sometimes aphids, spider mites, nematodes and thrips appear. When grown outdoors, they may be attacked by cutworm caterpillars, carnation flies, weevils, bitterlings, earwigs, spittlebugs, snails and slugs, mole crickets, mice and leaf miners.


Excellent plant for the balcony. Used for cutting in bouquets. Carnation seeds are an excellent seasoning. Some species are used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. 


Bouquets are often given to men, as in many European countries this flower was considered a symbol of courage and bravery. In Belgium and the Netherlands, young men gave flowers to their brides on the day of their proposal. Carnations were left at the doorstep of the house as protection against damage. It is believed that mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of the plant.


Grows well in hydroponics.



Turkish carnation - Dianthus barbatus

An attractive flowering biennial plant 15 - 90 cm high with erect, slightly branched shoots, sometimes burgundy. The leaves are lanceolate, narrow, green or bluish-green, 4 - 10 cm long, sessile. In the second year of life, the plant decorates itself with a large apical umbrella, consisting of several bright flowers 2 - 3 cm in diameter with wide, jagged petals, painted in white, pink, red, burgundy, purple and even almost black shades. There are plants with double flowers.

Dianthus barbatus

Garden carnation - Dianthus caryophyllus

Tall flowering perennial plants up to 80 cm with slightly branched, geniculate stems. In the first year of life, plants form a basal rosette of oblong, green or bluish-green leaves. In the second and subsequent years, thin flower stems with long, sessile, oppositely arranged leaves appear. At the tops of the stems during the flowering period, large, bright flowers with many jagged petals of a very diverse range of colors are formed. 

Dianthus caryophyllus

Shabo carnation - Dianthus caryophyllus var. Schabaud

Evergreen flowering perennials 30 - 60 cm high. At the base of the bushes there is a large basal rosette of leaves formed by oblong, entire green leaves. Stems are vertical, weakly branched, geniculate, with small sessile, opposite leaves. The flowers are simple or double, about 5 cm in diameter, fragrant, colored in white, pink, red, lilac, purple, and burgundy shades. 

Dianthus caryophyllus var. Schabaud

Dianthus chinensis

Perennial flowering plants up to 70 cm high, but usually slightly lower. The stems are vertical, branched at the base, bearing sessile, narrow, entire leaves of dark green or bluish green color, 3 - 5 cm long. The inflorescences are apical, consisting of 10 - 15 small, bright flowers. Flower petals are jagged, white, pink, red, burgundy, lilac.

Dianthus chinensis

Dianthus Plumarius

Perennial evergreen plants with erect or lodging thin shoots. The leaves are simple, sessile, opposite, narrowly linear, glossy, dark green, sometimes with a bluish tint. Flowers are solitary or collected in few-flowered inflorescences of 2 - 5 pieces. The petals are finely toothed, monochromatic - pink, lilac or white. Flowering is very long. 

Dianthus Plumarius

Field or mother carnation - Dianthus campestris

A delicate flowering perennial with geniculate, erect, thin stems branched at the apex. The leaves are narrow, green, sessile, arranged in opposite pairs. The flowers are pink or lilac, solitary, appearing on the tops of shoots in the summer months, colored lilac or pink. 

Dianthus campestris

Dianthus alpinus

Attractive flowering plants up to 10 cm high, often grown as ground cover. The bushes have branched stems at the base. The leaves are glossy, green, entire, sessile, 2 - 3 cm long. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, solitary, pink, lilac or burgundy, have a pleasant sweetish aroma. The flowering period lasts all summer. 

Dianthus alpinus

Grass carnation - Dianthus deltoides

Compact flowering perennials 15 - 30 cm high with thin, erect stems branched at the tops. The leaves are glossy, narrow, linear, green, sessile. The flowers are bright, pink, single, 1.5 - 2 cm in diameter with fine-toothed petals. 

Dianthus deltoides

Sand carnation or Krylov's carnation - Dianthus arenarius

Perennial low-growing flowering plants 10 - 20 cm high with a basal rosette formed by narrow, linear, dark green leaves. Flower stems are thin, vertical, knotty, with sessile, opposite leaves. The flowers are large - up to 3 cm in diameter, solitary, with white petals. The edges of the petals are deeply indented, making the flowers look very airy. 

Dianthus arenarius

Dianthus fischerii

A low flowering plant with erect or lodging stems, abundantly branched at the tops. It has narrow, linear, bluish-green or green leaves. The flowers are solitary or collected in small apical inflorescences. The finely toothed petals of the flowers are colored pink, lilac, white or burgundy. 

Dianthus fischerii

Dianthus allwoodii

Compact flowering hybrid of feathery carnation and garden carnation. Plants have thin, vertical, gnarled stems 20 - 30 cm high. The leaves are sessile, dark green or silvery green, linear. The flowers are pink, with a dark rim, bright, fragrant, solitary, reaching a diameter of 5 cm, simple, double or semi-double. 

Dianthus allwoodii

Dianthus acicularis

A perennial evergreen plant 15 - 30 cm high with vertical thin stems branching towards the top. The leaves are green or bluish, narrow, sessile, reaching a length of 2 - 4 cm. The flowers are fragrant, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, with white, narrow, deeply cut petals. 

Dianthus acicularis

Dianthus amurensis

An evergreen plant up to 30 cm high with thin vertical or lodging stems. The leaves are sessile, narrow, green, arranged in opposite pairs. The leaf blades are slightly bent along the central vein. The flowers are bright, apical, solitary or collected in few-flowered inflorescences. The finely toothed petals of the flowers are colored lilac or pink. 

Dianthus amurensis

Dianthus carthusinorum

An evergreen herbaceous perennial up to 50 - 60 cm high. The stems are thin, erect, knotty, often branched towards the apex. The leaves are green, narrow - almost needle-shaped, up to 7 cm long. The flowers are fragrant, bright - pink or lilac. 

Dianthus carthusinorum

Grenoble carnation - Dianthus gratianopolitanus

A delicate flowering perennial with compact dimensions - it does not exceed 20 - 30 cm in height. With age, this species forms large rounded tussocks. The stems are thin, geniculate, and vertical. The leaves are narrow, sessile, bluish. The flowers are fragrant, white or pink, most often solitary, appearing at the top of the stems in the summer months. 

Dianthus gratianopolitanus

Dianthus armeria

A fairly tall herbaceous flowering plant up to 60 cm with erect, knotty stems. The leaves are green, matte, narrow, sessile, arranged in opposite pairs. The small terminal inflorescences bear attractive pink or lilac flowers with finely toothed, narrow petals. 

Dianthus armeria

Short-stemmed carnation - Dianthus subacaulis

A compact flowering perennial that can be used as a ground cover. The plant has numerous thin, erect stems and bluish narrow, sessile leaves. The flowers are pink, simple, with a sweetish aroma.

Dianthus subacaulis