

Where does it grow? Southeast Asia, Australia.

Description. Casuarina is a large evergreen, attractive tree that can reach a height of up to 35 m in its natural environment, or a shrub that looks like a conifer. The leaves are reduced, thin, green, gray-green, collected in whorls of 5-20 pieces. There are dioecious and unisexual species. The flowers are collected in small branched inflorescences at the ends of branches. After flowering, joint fruits appear, resembling cones in appearance. The seeds are small, winged.

Height. Up to 150 - 200 cm.


Care at home

Temperature conditions

In spring and summer, keep the casuarina at normal room temperature; in winter, it should be placed in a cool place with a temperature of about 5 - 10 ° C. 


Sow seeds in spring. Germination period is 2-3 weeks. Cuttings are cut with a sharp sterile instrument in spring and summer. Cover the crops with a transparent plastic cap or glass to maintain humidity.


Loves well-lit places with access to direct sunlight in the morning and evening.


The height of the plant is regulated by pruning, which casuarina tolerates quite well. In the warm season, take the tree out into the fresh air, placing it under cover from direct sunlight and heavy rainfall.



Prefers slightly acidic, loose, sandy soil, even one that is quite poor in nutrients.


During the period of active growth, feed once a month. The tree is very responsive to phosphorus or nitrogen combined with phosphorus. Organic fertilizers are excellent.



Large tub plant.

Flowering time


Air humidity

It tolerates dry air in residential areas well and does not require spraying. The leaves are so thin that they evaporate very little moisture. 



Water sufficiently during warmer months, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings. In winter and autumn, reduce the frequency of watering.


Transplant in spring, every year, as casuarina grows very quickly. For large tub specimens, it is enough to replace the top layer of soil with fresh soil. When grown in a tight pot, it slows down development.

Pests and diseases

If there is overmoistening or lack of drainage, the root system of the plant may rot. Insect pests appear rarely. 


Under good maintenance conditions, casuarina grows very quickly and can reach a height of more than 2 m in the first year.
