Family. Cistaceae.
Origin. Southern Europe, North Africa.
Description. The genus "Cistus" contains approximately 20 very hardy, evergreen and fast-growing shrubs, which are distinguished by very abundant flowering. Stems are green or reddish, young stems are covered with white pubescence. The leaves are green, have different shapes depending on the species, leathery, simple, located opposite, spear-shaped. The leaf blade sometimes has wavy edges. The plant blooms with beautiful, but, unfortunately, short-lived flowers.
Each bud remains open for only one day, but there are so many of them on the bush that the flowering period can last for 2 months. Flowers with five thin wrinkled petals, 6 to 10 centimeters in diameter, all shades of purple, white, crimson, pink, dark burgundy, red, with bright yellow stamens.
Height. Depending on the type, it can range from 60 centimeters to 2 meters.
Cultivation and care
Flowering time
April - August.
Seeds that are sown in spring in loose soil with a high sand content. Crops are placed in a fairly cool place with a temperature of 15 - 20 degrees Celsius. Plants obtained from seeds cannot but inherit all the attractiveness of their parents. Cistus is also propagated by stem cuttings 10 to 12 centimeters long in summer.
In the warm season, a normal room temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius is suitable. During the dormant period, when the bush goes into hibernation, it should be placed in a cool, light place with a temperature of 12 to 15 °C. When kept in dry soil, it can withstand short-term frosts down to - 12 degrees Celsius.
Give cistus grown indoors as much sun as possible.
How to care
No other flowering shrub will withstand such neglect and bloom so profusely. Young specimens tolerate pruning well, which helps maintain a compact shape and promotes abundant flowering. In adult plants, only dead stems are removed, as they no longer respond so well to pruning. Fading buds should be removed to prolong the flowering period. Pruning is carried out immediately after the plants bloom.
Adapts well to all types of soil and is very unpretentious. The main requirement for growing a healthy plant is good drainage. It also grows well in fairly nutrient-poor soils with a wide pH range.
During the period of active growth, cistus is fed monthly; during the winter dormant period, feeding should be stopped.
Air humidity
It is necessary to spray the leaves of the plant with water at room temperature. These plants prefer a well-ventilated area where there is sufficient air movement.
How to water
The bush is quite drought-resistant, but requires regular watering during the growth and budding period. Before each subsequent watering, the soil should be slightly dried. In winter, watering should be reduced.
Cistus is replanted in the spring, when new growth begins.
A beautiful flowering shrub with a bright appearance.
Plants contain essential oils that are used in perfume production. The only drawback is the short lifespan - usually 5-7 years.
Pests and diseases
Rotting due to waterlogging and insufficient air movement, especially in the cold season.
Among the pests for shrubs, slugs and snails can pose a certain danger.
Cistus tauricus
A perennial evergreen plant up to 40 cm high with abundantly branching, thick, erect shoots. Young shoots are covered with delicate, light pubescence. The leaves are soft, oblong-lanceolate, green, with branched veins. Leaf blades with small, attractive, silvery pubescence. The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, on short petioles. During the flowering period, bright, large flowers with five rounded petals, painted white, lilac, and pink, appear on the tops of the stems.
Cistus salviifolius
An evergreen compact shrub with branched, erect or lodging branches 30 to 60 cm high. The leaves are dark green, glossy, lanceolate, covered with slight pubescence. The leaf blades are wrinkled, with deepened leaf veins. The flowers are solitary, terminal, white with a yellow center. Flowering is very abundant, flowers reach 3.5 cm in diameter.
Cistus creticus
An attractive flowering, evergreen shrub with a dense crown formed by branched shoots up to 1 m high. Young shoots and leaves have an attractive silvery, dense pubescence. The leaves are green, lanceolate, on short petioles, arranged in opposite pairs. The flowers are large, reaching a diameter of 5 cm, bright, with five rounded petals painted in a lilac hue. The center of the flowers is bright orange. The plant blooms in late spring with repeated flowering in the second half of summer.