Family. Commelinaceae.
Origin. USA, Argentina.
Description. Callisia is a very decorative cascading, low-growing herbaceous perennial plant with many small green, fleshy leaves on creeping stems. Forms dense clumps over time. Some species have purple undersides, and in autumn and winter the leaves turn dark purple. The flowers are white, sometimes fragrant. Grown for its attractive foliage, the flowers are inconspicuous. There are varieties with striped leaves.
Height. It grows quickly and can reach a height of 10 cm. The drooping stems of the plant grow up to 40 - 90 cm.
When it blooms
Flowers are usually inconspicuous and appear in summer. The buds are often pinched so that the bushes do not waste energy on flowering.
Diseases and pests
The tips of the leaves turn brown and dry out when there is insufficient air humidity. Rotting due to waterlogging and stagnation of water, especially in the autumn-winter period. When grown in low light conditions, plants become loose and elongated, and the leaves become smaller.
The most common pests are aphids, thrips, scale insects, mealybugs, whiteflies and red spider mites.
Growing at home
Regularly pinch out the tips of young shoots to maintain the plant's compact shape. If pruning is not carried out, the plant will look untidy. Promptly remove leaves that are too green, which also spoil the appearance of the plant. Place callisia outdoors during the summer months, sheltered from strong winds and rain.
Callisia is a close relative of Tradescantia, and both are easily propagated from cuttings taken in spring. Cut cuttings 5–10 cm long and remove the lower leaves. Root in a damp mixture of peat and sand or in a simple glass of water. Powdered growth hormones can be used to encourage rooting. Cover young plants with a clear plastic dome or glass to maintain humidity and place in a warm, semi-shaded location. Rooting takes 2–3 weeks.
Containment temperature
Moderately warm content. The ideal temperature is around 18 °C. When kept in warmer conditions, it is necessary to increase the frequency of watering and air humidity. In winter, when the plant is resting, it should be placed in a cooler place with a temperature of 10 - 15 ° C.
Well-lit location without direct sunlight during the day. The sun can hit the plant only in the morning and evening hours. In partial shade, the leaves lose their attractive color. Grows well under fluorescent or phytolamps.
Well-drained and nutritious soil based on peat with the addition of coarse sand and perlite.
Every two weeks during the period of active growth, feed with standard liquid fertilizers. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped.
It is worth remembering that the higher the temperature, the higher the air humidity should be. Place the plant pot on a tray of damp gravel, use a room humidifier, or regularly mist the foliage with soft water at room temperature.
Water abundantly, however, the top layer of soil should be slightly dried before the next watering. Always remove excess water from the tray. During the dormant period, the frequency of watering is reduced.
Depending on the species, the frequency of replanting callisia varies. Plants with striped leaves often do not require replanting at all, since after reaching 2 years of age, the bushes lose their attractiveness and need to be replaced with new ones. Fast-growing species are replanted every year in the spring into larger pots.
It is well suited for growing in hanging baskets, with its long stems hanging over the edge of the pot.
As callisia ages, its stems often become bare at the bottom, and the plant is replaced with a new one. Some species cause allergic reactions in pets.
Callisia fragrans
Golden mustache does not look as attractive as decorative species, but it is a valuable medicinal plant and is capable of purifying the indoor air from harmful substances. A creeping perennial herbaceous evergreen plant with oblong-elliptical, pointed leaves up to 25 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. Drooping stems grow up to 90 cm in length. The leaves are glossy green and, in good light, acquire a reddish-purple hue. The flowers are white, fragrant, with three oblong petals, and are short-lived.
Callisia navicularis
A miniature perennial evergreen succulent with abundantly branching, intricately curved stems. Thanks to its leaves, it has an extremely unusual appearance - the leaves are pink, burgundy or green, depending on the lighting and the plant variety, heart-shaped, sessile, emerging from the stems alternately, opposite each other. The flowers are small but attractive, pink, with 3 rounded petals and long yellow stamens.