Family. Crassulaceae.
Origin. Canary Islands.
Description. Greenovia is a small perennial succulent plant that is very rarely found on sale. The leaves are fleshy, smooth, round or heart-shaped, sessile, overlapping one another and forming a nice dense rosette, light green, sometimes with a bluish waxy coating. Young leaf blades appear in the center of the rosette and are located almost vertically, older leaves are bent outward. Accordingly, the rosette of young plants has a goblet shape, and then opens up more and more. Greenovia is a monocarpic species, that is, each rosette blooms only once and then dies. There are varieties with pink leaves. During the flowering period, it produces a tall, powerful peduncle with small leaves and a branched inflorescence at the top, containing 6-15 yellow flowers.
Height. Up to 40 cm maximum.
Planting and care
Temperature conditions
A heat-loving plant, in the warm season a temperature range from 21 to 29 ° C is suitable. In winter, the content should be cool, but not lower than 10 ° C.
The location should be brightly lit. Light shade from the scorching rays of the sun is possible on hot summer days.
Greenovia can be taken out into the fresh air during the warm season, but keep it protected from direct sunlight.
Adapts well to most soil types with good drainage. The substrate should have a neutral pH. Ready-made substrates for cacti and succulents are ideal for growing.
Every month during the period of active growth, apply fertilizers for cacti and succulents in half the concentration. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped.
Flowering time
From March to April.
Air humidity
There is no need for spraying in the warm season. In winter, you can sometimes spray instead of watering in the morning so that the rosette has time to dry before nightfall.
Soil moisture
Watering during the growth period is moderate. During each watering, it is necessary to completely saturate the soil with water, but then allow it to dry before the next watering. In winter, reduce watering so as not to dry out the earthen ball. Getting a large amount of water into the outlet can cause the plant to rot.
Greenovia grows slowly and does not require a lot of nutrients. Mature specimens can be kept in one pot for several years. Repot in spring every 3 years.
Fresh seeds that come out within 10 - 20 days. Distribute the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil and cover with glass. Place the pot in a bright place without direct sunlight. When seedlings appear, the glass can be gradually opened slightly, increasing the ventilation time. Daughter rosettes and leaf cuttings. When propagating by cuttings, the cut site must be slightly dried.
Pests and diseases
Rotting due to stagnation of water or too frequent watering, the leaves become soft.
Of the harmful insects, the main danger is mealybugs.
Greenovia aurea
A small leaf succulent, reaching a height of 45 cm, forms a leaf rosette with a diameter of up to 25 - 30 cm. The leaves are wide, green, spatulate, covered with a bluish waxy coating. It often grows singly, but sometimes produces several daughter rosettes after flowering. The peduncles are erect, appearing from the center of the rosette, and are abundantly covered with small leaves. The flowers are small, golden yellow.