Family. Crassulaceae.
Origin: Canary Islands, Africa.
Description. Small succulent evergreen plants. Aeoniums form a small attractive rosette of leaves. In young plants, the rosettes of leaves can be basal, but in adults, a trunk is sometimes formed and adult specimens of aeoniums can resemble miniature bonsai. The shades of the leaves include green, yellow with red or pink stripes along the edge of the leaf blades, dark burgundy or purple, almost black. Flowering occurs in adult plants. During this period, aeoniums throw out large brushes consisting of many small, greenish or yellow flowers.
Height: Depending on the species, it can be 10 - 90 cm.
Caring for aeonium at home
Reproduction of succulents
Easily propagated by leaf cuttings, which can simply be placed on the soil surface until roots appear. Seeds can also be used.
How to care
As it develops, the center of the plant becomes bare. Free it from the side cuttings and throw away the central part. In the warm season, take the plant outside. Timely remove faded panicles to maintain a neat appearance.
Land for aeonium
Any well-drained soil, sandy substrate with very little organic matter (peat, humus). Ideal drainage is required, tolerates nutrient-poor soils with neutral pH.
Every 2-3 years in very porous soil. Use a pot with good drainage. All species of this genus are best kept in small pots.
When it blooms
Spring Summer.
Diseases and pests
Prone to rot in poorly drained soil.
Vulnerable to mealybugs and spider mites.
Watering aeonium
The aeonium plant tolerates drought well, as do other succulents. During the warm season, water regularly and generously, but make sure the soil dries out between waterings. Reduce watering in the fall, and in the winter, keep the humidity low enough to prevent the soil from drying out. Small wrinkles on the leaves will indicate the need for watering.
Content temperature
During the growing season, it likes warm conditions – place the plants indoors at a temperature of 21 - 29° C. It will better endure the winter dormancy period in a cool place. Avoid getting water on the leaves in winter. The minimum temperature is 5° C (they can withstand short-term frosts down to -7° C).
In strong light, growth remains compact and the leaves often take on a reddish tint. In spring and summer, plants should receive several hours of direct sunlight daily, with shading only necessary during midday heat. In autumn and winter, lighting should be as high as possible. Rotate the plant pot a quarter turn every week to prevent stems from leaning toward the light source.
Once a month with cactus fertilizers and only during the period of active growth.
It tolerates even very dry air and does not require spraying.
A very nice compact plant, a composition of several varieties in one pot looks good.
Types of Aeonium:
Aeonium arboreum
This species can grow up to 1-2 m in height and is a succulent shrub with branched erect stems on which green teardrop-shaped leaves 5-15 cm long are collected in flat rosettes. The flowers are yellow or purple, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in pyramidal inflorescences - panicles. The inflorescences come out of the center of the leaf rosette and after flowering the rosette dies. There are varieties with bright reddish-pink leaves and white flowers and two-color leaf rosettes, painted burgundy on the outside and light green on the inside - this is Aeonium velour. The edges of the leaf blades often have short cilia.
Aeonium schwarzkopf
Another name is "Black Rose", refers to a subspecies of tree-like aeonium. It is distinguished by very dark - almost black flat leaves with a glossy surface, collected in leaf rosettes located at the ends of branched shoots. Only the very center of the rosette can be colored burgundy or green. Of course, this aeonium received its second name precisely because of the leaf rosettes, which are more reminiscent of flowers than leaves. The color of the leaves will be most intense in good lighting. Yellow flowers that appear in the summer give this plant additional attractiveness.
Aeonium Kiwi
Perhaps the most colorful type of aeonium - each leaf is painted in 3 colors at once - the center of the leaf blade is light green, then there is a light cream strip - the interlayer and edges of the leaves are pink, covered with very small teeth. The flowers are creamy white, with many yellow, long stamens, collected in vertical branched inflorescences.
Aeonium Balsamiferum
A succulent shrub with very thick, twisted, branched shoots. The leaf rosettes are light green, reminiscent of roses. The leaves are pointed, thick, fleshy. The flowers are golden yellow.
Aeonium lindleyi
One of the smallest species of aeonium - reaches a height of 20 - 50 cm, is a multi-stemmed shrub. On the stems are leaf rosettes up to 9 cm in diameter, formed from very thick, juicy, fleshy, light green, rounded leaflets. The surface of the leaves is sticky to the touch, covered with sparse pubescence. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in inflorescences - panicles.