Family. Cupressaceae.
Origin. Japan and China.
Description. Cryptomeria is a coniferous, evergreen, elegant tree with blue-green, green or even burgundy, aromatic needles 1.5–2.5 cm long. Varieties with white needles at the tips of the branches have been bred. The trunk is covered with red-brown bark, which can peel off in long vertical stripes. Unlike most conifers, this species has soft needles that densely cover the branches in a spiral pattern. Mature specimens have an attractive pyramidal or conical shape. Cones appear at the tips of the branches, small - up to 3 cm in diameter and up to 5 cm in length.
Height. Under natural conditions, it is a very tall tree - up to 70 m; when grown in cultivation, it rarely exceeds 2 m.
Care at home
Propagated by seeds and stem, lignified cuttings in the warm season. Before planting, the bases of the cuttings are sprinkled with rooting powders or soaked in a solution of growth hormones.
Does not tolerate drought. Water until the soil is completely soaked in summer; the top layer of soil should dry out quite a bit before each subsequent watering. In autumn, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced, and in winter it is watered sparingly.
When blooms
Adapts well to a wide variety of soils, but prefers soils that are rich in nutrients and have good drainage. Prefers a slightly acidic pH.
Modern varieties often do well if kept warm all year, but it will be better to give the plant a cool dormant period at a temperature of about 10 ° C. In spring and summer, normal room temperature will do.
Bright reflected light without direct sunlight. Grows quite well in partial shade.
An unpretentious coniferous tree, it adapts well to various climatic and soil conditions. By pruning, you can get a compact specimen with a neat appearance. Pruning is carried out in the spring, the plant tolerates it well. In spring and summer, it is advisable to take it outside.
During the period of active growth, feed monthly. In autumn and winter, fertilizing should be stopped.
In spring and summer it feels good in indoor conditions, but with the onset of the heating season it is better to periodically spray the shoots, as the air becomes too dry. In the autumn-winter period, you can place a damp cloth on heating devices or use a room humidifier.
In spring, young seedlings are transplanted into fresh soil. When transplanting, you can trim the roots. Adult specimens can be transplanted every 2-3 years.
Diseases and pests
Among the harmful insects on plants, you can see spider mites and scale insects.
Looks great in rock gardens. Sometimes used to create attractive bonsai.
Cryptomeria 'Spiralis'
A spectacular evergreen, decorative foliage plant with abundantly branched, lodging stems. The plant develops slowly and reaches a height of 180 - 250 cm during the first 10 years. Green, needle-like leaves - needles - abundantly cover the branches of plants in a spiral, for which, apparently, the species got its name. With age, plants can form a trunk and the crown becomes pyramidal.
Cryptomeria Japonica Elegans
An evergreen coniferous tree up to 2.5 - 9 m high. The shoots are abundantly branched, soft, and form a beautiful pyramidal crown with age. Needle-shaped, very thin, soft needles reach a length of 12 - 25 mm. and in the autumn months they turn reddish.