Family. Cupressaceae.
Origin. China, Taiwan, Vietnam.
Description. Cunninghamias are evergreen coniferous trees with a pyramidal crown. The trunk is covered with smooth, grayish-brown bark; in large trees it begins to peel off in long strips. The needles are very long - 3 - 7 cm and thick, dense, slightly curved, green, fragrant. In autumn, the needles sometimes turn copper color. The cones are round or oval, about 2 cm in diameter.
Height. Under natural conditions it reaches 50 m in height, and young specimens grow quickly and add about 50 cm annually.
Сare at home
Temperature conditions
The tree develops well at normal room temperature, does not like temperatures above 20°C. It does not tolerate frosts, and is damaged already at temperatures below 5°C.
A well-lit location, the plant should receive sunlight in the morning and evening, shade during the day from too much sun.
Acidic soil with a pH of 6.1 - 6.5, based on peat.
Feed with liquid fertilizer throughout the spring and summer.
Used for growing in bonsai style. Small young specimens are kept indoors.
Flowering time
Air humidity
If the air becomes too dry, spray the shoots with soft water or place a humidifier near the cunninghamia.
Soil moisture
Keep the soil evenly moist during warm periods and water moderately in autumn and winter.
Repotting is done annually in spring, if necessary slightly increasing the size of the pot. When growing in the bonsai style, the root system is cut.
Propagated by freshly collected seeds sown in late winter. Germination occurs within 2 months at a temperature of 18° C. Stem cuttings using growth hormones, however, trees obtained by cuttings may not look as attractive.
The wood of this tree has a pleasant aroma and is used to make paper, essential oils and various crafts.
Pests and diseases
The main pests are spider mites.