

Origin. Tropics of America.

Description. Cyclanthus is a large herbaceous perennial plant. The leaves are simple, green, basal, on long and rigid petioles, forming a rosette. The edges of the leaf plates, which can reach a length of 50 - 100 cm, are wavy-curved, the venation is longitudinal. The peduncle is short and strong. The inflorescence is a cylindrical spadix with many small cream flowers, surrounded by a greenish blanket. During the flowering period, the buds emit a sweet, pleasant aroma of vanilla and cinnamon.

Height. 2 - 3 m.

Cyclanthus - home care

Temperature conditions

Grows at room temperature, during the period of intensive growth - 20 - 25 ° C. The minimum temperature in winter is not less than 15 °  C, although for a short time it can withstand a drop of up to 10 ° C. Plants do not need a winter dormancy period, although it is welcome.


Very shade-tolerant bushes, suitable for poorly lit rooms. Does not tolerate direct sun.


It does not tolerate low temperatures well and does not like cold drafts - the tips of its leaves curl.


Well-drained, loose, moisture-permeable soil made from leaf humus, coarse sand, peat, heather soil.


In summer, every 2 weeks we add flower fertilizer with a minimum amount of lime; in winter, we do not feed the plant. 



A beautiful evergreen ornamental flower that thrives in a light, warm and humid indoor atmosphere.

Flowering time

In indoor culture it usually does not bloom; the flowering period is February - November.

Air humidity

Likes regularly ventilated rooms, however, without cold drafts. Prefers high air humidity and regular spraying with soft water, but tolerates dry air only for a short time. The pot can be placed in a tray with wet pebbles. 

Soil moisture

Young cyclanthus will especially appreciate abundant watering during warm periods. In winter, watering is reduced, but do not allow the soil to dry out. The bushes suffer from stagnant water in the pot.


Repot in spring as needed - about once every three years, as the bush develops quite slowly. Do not use too large a pot - this species grows better when its root system is in a fairly tight container.



Throughout its life, it produces basal offspring, used for vegetative propagation in spring or summer.

Pests and diseases

Gray rot when placed in cool conditions. Leaf spotting. Harmful insects - scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites and aphids appear mainly due to improper maintenance. 
