Family. Euphorbiaceae.
Origin. Africa.
Description. Monadenium is an extremely diverse genus in appearance. The stems of the plant can be erect, thick, covered with tall rounded tubercles, or lodging, thin, smooth, and branched. Short spines are often present at the tops of the tubercles. The leaves are green, spoon-shaped, sessile. In summer, the plant forms buds at the tops of the stems, which turn into white, yellowish or pink flowers. All species of monadenium have a poisonous milky sap. Some plants produce an attractive light brown caudex.
Height. 30 - 45 cm in species with erect stems; long lodging stems can grow up to 1.5 m.
Planting and care
Temperature conditions
Grows well at room temperature throughout the year. Do not expose plants to temperatures below 7°C.
Monadenium can take sunbaths in the morning and evening hours. On hot summer days, shading from the scorching rays of the sun is necessary. In autumn, in cloudy weather and in the winter months, you can put it in the most illuminated place. Rotate pots ¼ turn every week so that the flowers develop symmetrically and do not tilt towards the sun. In good light, stems turn bronze or acquire a reddish tint.
Most species do not require special care and are suitable for growing by novice gardeners. In autumn, plants shed their leaves - this is normal.
For growing, ready-made soil for succulent plants and cacti with an acidic or neutral pH and excellent drainage is suitable. Tolerates nutrient-poor substrates.
In order to obtain strong and healthy specimens, it is enough to feed them monthly with fertilizers for succulents. During the dormant period, do not feed them.
Long-stemmed varieties are best grown in hanging baskets.
Flowering time
Spring Summer.
Air humidity
Monadenium does not require high air humidity. In autumn and winter the air should be dry.
Soil moisture
Between waterings, allow the soil to dry to a depth of 5 - 7 cm. In the fall, reduce the frequency of watering and during the winter months simply protect the soil from drying out completely.
Replant in spring and only if necessary - when you need to change the substrate or the plant becomes cramped in the pot. When replanting, place the bushes in a wide container - monadenium has a large, branched, shallow root system.
They propagate quite easily by stem cuttings in spring and summer, and the cutting area should be thoroughly dried for several days. Some varieties reproduce by seeds, and often even self-sow.
Pests and diseases
Monadenium does not tolerate waterlogging, especially in autumn and winter. Rot occurs due to insufficient drainage. When grown in partial shade, plants stretch and weaken, sometimes even dying. Mealybugs.
Monadenium ritchiei
Stocky, low plants - succulents with thick, erect stems, reach a height of 15 cm. The leaves are green, thick, succulent, can only be preserved in the upper part of the plant or are absent altogether. When grown in direct sunlight, the leaves take on a burgundy hue. The flowers are pink, tubular, collected in small inflorescences at the tops of the shoots.