

Origin. South East Africa.

Description. Synadenium is a low, thin-stemmed succulent shrub or tree. The stems branch at the base, and when damaged, they release white, rubber-like juice. The leaves are alternate, thick, green, lanceolate, glossy, up to 15 cm long. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, pink, collected in inflorescences - apical shields. Currently, varieties with burgundy specks on the leaves or completely burgundy leaf blades have been bred.

Height. It grows quickly and in its natural environment reaches a height of 3.5 m.


Caring at home

Growing - how to trim, pinch 

Does not require special care and is suitable for growing by novice gardeners. In autumn, plants may lose some foliage - this is normal. Stems that are too long can be cut off after flowering.


Propagated vegetatively - by stem cuttings. The cut site should be thoroughly dried for several days before planting. Some varieties are propagated by seeds, and often by self-seeding.

When it blooms 

Spring – summer, but rarely blooms in pots.


Transplant the synadenium in spring and only when necessary - when the substrate needs to be changed or the root system becomes cramped in the pot. The height of the bush can be adjusted using the size of the pot.


Between waterings, allow the soil to dry to a depth of 5 - 7 cm. In autumn, reduce the frequency of watering slightly - the plant tolerates drought, but does not like waterlogged soil. 



For growing, ready-made soil for succulent plants and cacti with an acidic or neutral pH and excellent drainage is suitable. 

Diseases and pests 

Rot occurs due to insufficient drainage. Shoots may lose some leaves if there is not enough light.

Insects that can harm the flower are mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects.


In order to obtain strong and healthy specimens, it is enough to feed the synadenium with fertilizers for succulents every month. During the dormant period, the flower is not fed.


The bush likes good lighting and room temperature during the growing season. In the winter months, you can provide a cool rest period at a temperature of about 12° C.



Can take sunbathing in the morning and evening hours. On hot summer days, shading from the scorching rays of the sun is necessary. In autumn, in cloudy weather and in the winter months, you can put it in the most illuminated place. Variegated species lose color and turn green when there is insufficient light.


Plants of the Euphorbia family tolerate fairly dry air and do not require spraying.


Representatives of this species develop quickly and over time they will require a lot of free space to grow.


All parts of the bush are very poisonous - synadenium should not be kept in places accessible to children or animals. Be careful when working with the plant - the milky juice irritates the skin of your hands. After working with it, you must wash your hands thoroughly. With age, synadenium loses its lower leaves, but does not lose its attractiveness, as a green crown forms on the tops of the stems.


Some species grow well in hydroponics.



Synadenium grantii

An evergreen shrub or even a small tree, which in its natural habitat can reach 10 m in height. The stems are erect, thick, branched, smooth, and often bare at the bottom. The leaves are thick, broadly lanceolate, glossy, entire, on short petioles, arranged alternately. The shades of the leaf blades are varied and include green, burgundy or brown tones. Plants with stripes and spots on the leaves are often found. The inflorescences are apical, axillary, branched, with small burgundy or pink flowers. 

Synadenium grantii

Synadenium Granta Rubra

Decorative leafy evergreen succulent with thick, slightly branched, rounded stems. The leaves are oblong - lanceolate, glossy, on short petioles. The leaf blades are green, brownish or burgundy. 

Synadenium Granta Rubra