Pelargonium graveolens


Origin. Cape Province in southern Africa.

Description. Pelargonium graveolens are the most unprepossessing of geraniums; they are grown as houseplants for their fragrant leaves with the scent of mint or lemon. Lemon-scented varieties are especially fragrant – even a light touch to the leaves causes them to release a fresh citrus aroma into the air. There are apple- and cinnamon-scented varieties, but with age, these become too large to grow indoors. The leaves are very attractive, carved, thin, and covered with a slight pubescence. The flowers are pink or purple, small and not particularly interesting.

Height. 30 - 45 cm. Some pelargoniums can reach impressive sizes and need pruning. 

Pelargonium graveolens

Caring at home

When it blooms 

Fragrant pelargoniums produce small, inconspicuous flowers in spring and summer.

How to care and trim 

Prune stems in March and any other time of year as needed to maintain a neat bushy appearance. Move geraniums outdoors in summer, but return them indoors when temperatures drop below 10°C. Most scented geraniums never go dormant, so they can be kept in bright light and regular watering year-round. If you want to give the bush a dormant period, you can move it to a cool place with a minimum temperature of 10°C.

Soil for growing in a pot 

Peat based, well drained, nutritious substrate.


Repot in spring when roots begin to emerge from the pot's drainage hole. 


Water deeply throughout the summer, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. In winter, water sparingly, only to prevent the root ball from drying out. 

Pelargonium graveolens

How propagates 

Pelargoniums are propagated in spring or summer by semi-ripe cuttings about 10 cm long. Remove the lower leaves, dip the cuttings in growth hormone and plant in moist peat mixed with sand. Keep in a well-lit and warm place, water generously. Rooting will take 2 to 3 weeks. As new growth appears, gradually increase watering and move pots to a sunnier location. 


Pelargoniums prefer summer heat. In winter, keep at a temperature of 7 to 13 ° C.

Diseases and pests 

Leaves with yellow edges indicate an incorrect watering regime. If the new leaves are smaller than the old ones, this is a sign of nutrient deficiency. Rotting due to excessive watering. Among insects, the plant can be attacked by whiteflies.


Pelargonium graveolens love bright light. Keep them in a place where they can receive at least 4 hours of sunlight per day. When grown in partial shade, the bushes increase the size of the leaves to compensate for the lack of light. Geranium will feel great even on southern windows.


Feed with liquid fertilizer every 15 days during the growth period.


Periodic spraying is encouraged to prevent pest infestations. 


The bushes are very decorative and look great on a window or on a table in a well-lit place. The green parts of the plants are used to produce essential oils that have a relaxing effect.


Pelargoniums are toxic, keep them away from animals and small children. Plants are able to purify the air in living rooms from harmful impurities.  The smell of fragrant pelagonia calms and helps improve the quality of sleep.

Pelargonium graveolens


Lemon geranium - “Mabel Gray”

A perennial evergreen herbaceous plant up to 45 - 100 cm high. With age, geranium can form thick, erect stems. The leaves are green, covered with slight pubescence, palmately dissected, on long petioles. When damaged, the leaves and stems emit a pleasant lemon aroma. During the flowering period, the plant forms small, attractive apical inflorescences with lilac or pink flowers. Flower petals are narrow, thin, often with a small dark spot at the base. 

Lemon geranium - “Mabel Gray”