

Origin. Australia, New Guinea.

Description. Scaevola is a perennial evergreen subshrub with vertical or lodging, thick, branched stems. The leaves are small, fleshy, oval or lanceolate, green. The edges of the leaf blades have large teeth. The flowers appear at the tops of the stems, in shades of white, pink, lavender, and lilac. The distinctive feature of the buds is that their long, pointed petals are arranged asymmetrically - like a fan. In the evening hours, the bush fills the air with a pleasant aroma.

Height. Grows quickly and does not exceed 20 cm in height; the stems can reach a length of 1.5 m.


Planting and care

Reproduction, growing from seeds 

Most often, scaevola propagates vegetatively, using half-ripe stem cuttings. Fresh seeds are sown in spring, germination occurs within 1 - 2 months at a temperature of about 22 - 25 ° C. When propagating by seed, it is worth considering that over time, planting material quickly loses its germination capacity.

Containment temperature

Normal room temperature in spring and summer. During the winter months, plants should be given a cool place with a temperature of around 10°C to allow them to go into a dormant period. Do not expose scaevola to temperatures below 4°C - the bushes may be damaged and even die.


A very light-loving species, requiring at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily. Use light shading during the day; provide the planting site with maximum light in autumn and winter. In low light conditions, flowering will be less abundant.

Home care

The flower is unpretentious and does not require special care. Plants will like to be outdoors in the warm months. Regularly pinch the tips of the shoots for better branching, remove wilting buds to extend the flowering period. Too long stems can be cut before the beginning of the dormant period.



The soil should have excellent drainage and a slightly acidic pH. A nutrient mixture based on organic matter with the addition of coarse river sand is suitable.


Feed every 2 weeks in spring and summer with a water-soluble fertilizer for flowering plants. In the fall, feeding is stopped and resumed only with the first signs of new growth, in the spring. 

When it blooms 

Scaevola blooms continuously from spring until frost.


Mature specimens can tolerate short periods of drought, but for abundant flowering it is worth keeping the soil evenly moist during the warm season. In autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced in accordance with the ambient temperature. In winter, simply protect the soil from drying out completely. It is advisable to use softened bottled or rainwater for watering.



Transplantation is carried out in the spring, annually.


To increase humidity, you can surround the pot with a layer of damp sphagnum moss or use a room humidifier. Spraying can be done in the morning with water at room temperature. Place the bushes in well-ventilated areas.


Scaevola ampelous is a gorgeous plant for hanging baskets. Can be grown as a ground cover. 

Pests and diseases

Of the harmful insects, whiteflies and aphids can attack the flower.
