Family. Icacinaceae.
Origin. Brazil.
Description. The genus Villaresia contains 13-15 species, of which Villaresia grandiflora, native to Brazil, is one of the best ornamental plants for indoor cultivation and is therefore especially important for indoor landscaping. In rooms, these are shrubs with branches from the base, reaching about 3 m (maximum) in height, with sloping branches. In their natural habitat, they are tall trees. The leaves are leathery, up to 30 cm long, but usually smaller. The flowers are white and, contrary to the name of the species, relatively small. After flowering, small fruits are formed, the size of a plum. Not only in rooms, but also in a greenhouse, flowering is absent or extremely rare.
Height. 3m.
Home care
Temperature conditions
In winter 14 - 16° C, in summer - 20 - 22° C.
A light-loving plant, but on hot days in summer it needs to be shaded from direct sunlight.
This is one of the relatively unpretentious and hardy indoor species.
Turf, leaf, peat soil mixed with sand.
Mineral and organic liquid fertilizers in spring and summer promote strong growth
Air humidity
Spraying from time to time.
Soil moisture
In winter, moderate, with water at room temperature, during the growth period - water abundantly, with warm water (about 30 ° C).
Young bushes are replanted annually at the end of winter before growth begins, and adult bushes are replanted every two to three years.
Cuttings require careful care and warmth when rooting, they are placed in a home greenhouse and provided with bottom heating. Almost always, a certain percentage of planted cuttings die, but most of them root within 8-10 weeks. Cuttings treated with growth substances root faster.