

Origin. Mountains of tropical East Africa, northern Ethiopia.

Description. Gladiolus fragrant (or Abyssinian, Ethiopian) or acidanthera is a bulbous flowering perennial. The leaves are long, up to 1 m, linear, sword-like, vertical, pointed towards the tip. The flowers are fragrant, white, star-shaped, 5 - 7 cm in diameter with sharp petals and a dark purple, burgundy spot in the center. Each peduncle contains 5–12 buds, which open alternately throughout the month. 


Height . About 1 meter.

Acidanthera - planting and care

Growing at home

At the beginning of spring, the tubers are planted in a pot, and flowering occurs at the end of summer. After flowering, the tubers are removed from the soil and stored in a cool, dry place. 


When acidanthera blooms 

        Blooms in the second half of summer.


Diseases and pests 

Sensitive to gray rot, rust, mosaic virus. The most dangerous pests are aphids, spider mites and thrips.  When kept outdoors, the plant may be attacked by snails and slugs.


Growing conditions - temperature

For growing acidanthera, room temperatures in the range of 16 to 25 degrees Celsius are quite suitable.

Reproduction, acidanthera from seeds 

Children of bulbs. It can be grown from seeds, but plants obtained in this way will bloom only after 2 - 3 years. 


When to replant 

There is no need for replanting, as it is often grown as an annual - the bulbs are planted in fresh soil every year. 


Acidanthera should receive sunbathing for 6-8 hours a day. In the shade, the buds become smaller or the plants do not bloom at all.



Fertile, well-drained soil with the addition of coarse sand.


This plant highly appreciates regular feeding, its flowers increase in size. 


Watering acidanthera 

Periodic moderate watering during the growing season when grown in a pot, but does not tolerate drying out.



There are no special requirements; the acindanthera easily tolerates the rather dry atmosphere of residential premises. 


In indoor conditions it is used as a forcing plant, also suitable for cutting. The flowers are extremely fragrant with a slight scent reminiscent of gardenia or jasmine, the scent intensifies at night. 


Acidanthera bicolor

   The most common type of acidanthera, it has long, green, sword-shaped leaves. Thin stalks can bear up to 12 flowers each, and the flowering period lasts up to 3 weeks. The flowers are white with a burgundy or purple center. 

Acidanthera bicolor