

Where does it grow? Europe, Siberia, Asia.

Description. Oregano is a perennial herbaceous plant with erect stems from 20 to 80 cm in height. The leaves are opposite, ovate, 1 to 4 cm long, and have a pleasant aroma. Leaf blades sometimes have small teeth along the edge. The flowers are small, white, pink, purple, collected in dense, rounded apical panicles.

Height. 20 - 80 cm.


Growing at home

House oregano - temperature

Regular room temperature is quite suitable, with a decrease in winter to 12 - 14 ° C. 

Growing conditions - lighting

A well-lit place with shade from direct sunlight.


To maintain a compact shape and form a more luxuriant plant, it is necessary to prune, removing no more than 1/3 of the height of the shoots in one procedure. Pruning is carried out before flowering.


Well-drained soil with a pH ranging from 6.0 (slightly acidic) to 9.0 (highly alkaline), preferably 6.0 to 8.0. A mixture of 2 parts garden soil, 1 part leaf humus, with an abundance of coarse river sand is suitable.


Feed twice a month with liquid fertilizers during the period of active growth.



The leaves of the plant are used in cooking as a seasoning, for this they are collected before flowering - at this time their aroma is most pronounced. Varieties with beautiful leaves are used as ornamental species.

When blooms

From July to August

Air humidity

Grows well in the dry air of heated rooms; spray periodically to prevent the appearance of pests such as red spider mites. 


Watering is frequent and plentiful during the growing season. In winter, reduce the frequency of watering.


Adult specimens need to be replanted into fresh soil on average once every 2–3 years, in the spring.


Adult large bushes can be divided in autumn. Propagation by cuttings of lateral shoots in spring is possible, while the lower leaves should be removed from them. Cuttings are rooted in wet sand; seedlings should be covered with glass or a polyethylene cap to maintain humidity. Condensation appearing on the glass surface should be removed every morning. Seeds are sown in early spring at a temperature of 10 - 13 °C, shoots usually appear within 2 weeks.

Pests and diseases

Root rot due to waterlogging and poor drainage.

Insect pests may include aphids and spider mites.
