

Origin. Australia.

Description. Prostantera is a dense and abundantly branching evergreen shrub with densely pubescent shoots. The leaves are elliptical, green, 5 - 10 cm long, arranged oppositely, on long petioles. When damaged, the leaves emit a pleasant mint aroma. The flowers, typical for most plants of the Lamiaceae family, are white, pink or purple, up to 2 cm in diameter, often with purple and yellow spots in the throat, located in the upper part of the stems, axillary, fragrant.

Height. Up to 1.5 m without pruning, grows quickly. 


Care at home

Temperature conditions

During the growing season, it tolerates a wide range of temperature conditions, but prefers moderately warm conditions at temperatures no higher than 20° C. In the winter months, it needs a cool dormant period at a temperature of 5 - 7° C, but not higher than 10° C. 


Prostantera loves brightly lit places with plenty of reflected sunlight, but can also be grown in partial shade.


An unpretentious species that is easy to grow at home. Adapts to various conditions. Prostantera needs to be trimmed 2-3 times during the growing season to give it a beautiful compact shape; the bush easily tolerates trimming.


Develops well in any soil and tolerates even substrates with low nutrient content, good drainage and acidic pH.



Feed monthly during the growing season with water-soluble fertilizer.


There are species with recumbent stems that can be grown as groundcover or hanging plants. The leaves have a very pleasant aroma and can be used to make refreshing drinks; it is best to collect them before flowering.

Flowering time

From May to July.

Air humidity

In spring and summer, if the air in the room becomes too dry, you can increase the humidity with a room humidifier or by placing the pot with prostantera on a tray with wet pebbles. Spraying is not recommended.


Soil moisture

Watering should be plentiful during the growing season; it is better to use bottom watering, immersing the pot with the plant in a large container of water for several minutes and allowing excess moisture to drain. During the winter dormant period, the soil is simply protected from complete drying out.


Replant annually, in a larger pot, in the spring.


Prostantera is usually propagated by half-ripe stem cuttings about 10 cm long, using growth hormones. The cuttings are covered with plastic or glass to maintain humidity and placed in a warm place without direct sunlight. 

Pests and diseases

Powdery mildew, leaf spotting, rotting due to insufficient drainage.
