

Where does it grow? Europe.

Description. Rosemary is an evergreen shrub with erect, branching stems. The leaves are green, needle-shaped, up to 5 cm long, tightly cover the stems, and when damaged they emit a pleasant aroma. The underside of the leaf blade and young shoots have very short white pubescence. During the flowering period, attractive lilac flowers appear at the top of the stems, arranged in tiers. Varieties with white and burgundy flowers have been developed.

Height. Rosemary reaches 1 m in height, but there are shorter varieties. 




The plant thrives in any soil and tolerates even nutrient-poor substrates with good drainage and a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.


Rosemary on the windowsill is unpretentious in cultivation and very hardy. Long stems must be pruned immediately after flowering to give them a beautiful compact shape; pruning is easily tolerated. The bush will appreciate being outdoors during the warm season.


Rosemary is usually propagated by dividing large adult plants when transplanting or by semi-mature stem cuttings. Cuttings can be rooted even in plain water. Propagation by seeds takes a long time. Seeds germinate poorly, and young seedlings develop slowly.


When blooms 

From June to July.

How to replant

Replant as necessary, using transfer, into a larger pot in the spring.

Containment temperature

During the growing season, a moderately warm content at a temperature of about 18 - 20 ° C is suitable. In the winter months, it needs a cool dormant period at a temperature of 5 - 7 ° C, but not higher than 15 ° C. 

Diseases and pests 

Powdery mildew, leaf spotting, rotting due to insufficient drainage and ventilation.

Pests often attack weakened plants that do not receive proper care - these can be aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies and spider mites.


Watering should be abundant during the growing season, it is better to use bottom watering, immersing the pot in a large container of water for several minutes and allowing excess moisture to drain. Between waterings, the soil is dried to a depth of 3-5 cm. During the winter dormancy period, the soil is simply protected from drying out completely.



Feed monthly during the growing season with water-soluble fertilizer. In the fall, feeding is stopped and resumed only with the beginning of new growth. Rosemary really loves organic fertilizers. 


At home, the bush loves well-lit places with plenty of reflected sunlight. Shading is necessary during too hot daytime hours.


It tolerates dry air in living spaces well. It is not advisable to spray it, as the pubescence of the leaf blades retains moisture droplets, which leads to various diseases. It likes to be in ventilated rooms with good air movement.


Rosemary leaves have a very pleasant aroma and are used to prepare all kinds of dishes, both fresh and after cooking. Essential oils are used in cosmetics. Low-growing species are often grown as groundcover plants.


Without pruning, the bush grows tall and loses its lower leaves. It is believed that rosemary purifies the air in a room that contains harmful impurities.
