

Homemade bauhinia - where it grows. China, India, subtropics.

Description. Bauhinia - are fairly easy to grow plants, but they do require adequate space to grow. They bloom already in the third year after planting. A tree up to 5 m high, with very unusual two-lobed leaves, giving the plant an exotic appearance. The leaves are green, as if bent from the petiole, in the shape of a heart. Large white, pink or lilac flowers up to 10 cm in diameter are a bit reminiscent of orchids. This type is quite rare in indoor plant growing. Bauhinia tends to shed its leaves during the winter months. Make sure the tree has plenty of light, ventilation and sufficient minerals. 


Height. In nature up to 12 m.


Bauhinia - care at home

Reproduction - growing from seeds 

The plant's seeds usually show good viability and a high germination rate. The seeds are pre-soaked for 12 hours in warm water and sown in mid-spring, watered well until sprouts appear and kept in a shaded place. After the first leaves appear, move the pots to a more illuminated place and water them abundantly.  


When it blooms 

Flowering time is from  spring to summer.

Diseases and pests of bauhinia 

Scale insects, spider mites, whiteflies, aphids - you can treat the tree with soapy water.


Prefers fertile, well-drained sandy, loamy or heavy clay soil. Acid, neutral or alkaline soils are suitable.

Caring for bauhinia in a pot, how to prune

Remove old and damaged shoots with sharp, sterile pruning shears, and trim branches that are too long to give the plant a compact shape. Remove fading buds to extend flowering time. 



Bauhinia is planted in fresh soil in the spring, as needed - the plant grows quickly.


This species can withstand short periods of low temperatures down to -5 °C. It requires a period of rest in winter at temperatures around 5 °C to flower.


Can grow in partial shade, but preferably in a bright place without direct sunlight.


Once a week to stimulate flowering from spring to autumn.


No special requirements.

Water bauhinia

Needs thorough watering, but the substrate must dry out before the next watering. During the winter dormancy period, reduce watering so much that the substrate dries almost completely. Renewing watering in the spring encourages new growth. 



Recommended for winter gardens, as bauhinia requires a sufficient amount of soil to grow well. 



Young leaves, flowers and fruits are edible and can be boiled or pickled.


Bauhinia purpurea

A small deciduous tree with bright pink, fragrant flowers. Bauhinia flowers have 5 oblong petals and long stamens.