Family. Liliaceae.
Origin. South Africa.
Description. Bowiea is an amazing and very airy plant - a climber, rising to a height of 3 - 4 m or creeping. At the end of winter, thin bright green, highly branched stems without leaves appear from a shiny light green large bulb 15-20 cm wide, partially rising above the substrate. And at the end of summer and autumn, before the stems die, short-lived leaves and greenish-white star-shaped flowers with a diameter of 16 - 24 mm are formed. The fruits are brown, oval, about 25 mm. in diameter.
Height. The stems rise 1.8 m or more.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
Prefers cool room conditions with a minimum temperature of about 10° C.
Lighting for indoor plants
Bright lighting, but not direct sun.
How to care
In winter, place the vine in a sunny and warm place; as the shoots grow and develop, attach them to the support. The plant likes slightly cramped conditions and grows well in overfilled pots.
Reproduction, growing from seeds
Propagated by separating adventitious bulbs from the mother bulb or by seeds, in summer or early autumn.
Based on peat with the addition of coarse sand.
Monthly with fertilizers at half the dosage.
A rare plant that is highly valued by connoisseurs.
Flowering time
Air humidity
There are no special requirements, no spraying is required.
During the growth and growing season, around February-early March, water very moderately. In the summer - during the dormant period - do not water at all. After the green shoots die, watering is stopped and the plants are kept dry in a cool place until germination begins.
The liana is replanted every 2 years. In summer or early autumn, when the daughter bulbs fill the pot.
Pests and diseases
Excess moisture can cause the bulbs to rot.
Among the harmful insects that can attack plants are mealybugs, aphids, spider mites and scale insects.
Plants with good lighting live quite a long time - up to 10 years. The small leaves naturally fall off early, while the green stems continue to photosynthesize.