

Origin. South Africa.

Description. Veltheimia is a perennial bulbous herbaceous plant with glossy thick leaves up to 30 cm long and about 10 cm wide, sometimes with wavy edges, collected in a basal rosette. The bulb has a diameter of about 7 cm. The inflorescence is dense, consists of tubular drooping flowers, on a long peduncle up to 600 mm high. The color of the flowers varies from pale pink, hot pink, orange-pink or dark pink, sometimes greenish-yellow. At the beginning of summer, the leaves die off, and new ones appear at the end of summer - in the fall, after a short dormant period. 

Height. 30 - 50 cm.


Care at home

Temperature conditions

Keep the bush in a cool place with a minimum of water and light during the dormant period until new growth begins. Flowering specimens should also be kept in a cool room - no higher than 10 ° C. Veltheimia does not like sudden changes in temperature; during the growth period, the temperature is about 15 - 18 ° C.


The leaves should not be exposed to direct sunlight; however, it is better to choose well-lit places for growing.


This winter-flowering species is best grown in large tubs or pots at least 15cm in diameter.


Prefers acidic or neutral soil, rich in humus, well drained. 


Apply liquid fertilizer for flowering plants monthly during the growing season.



Can be used as a forcing plant; flowers will appear approximately 4 months after planting the bulb.

Flowering time

It blooms in winter - from late winter to early spring. Flowering is long - 1 - 2 months. 

Air humidity

It does not require spraying; it is recommended to frequently ventilate the room with veltheimia.

Soil moisture

Water deeply during active growth, reduce watering after flowering and almost completely stop during the dormant period in summer. Use soft, cool water. 



After the leaves have flowered and died, the bulbs are cleaned of old soil and dried; after new growth appears, they are planted again so that the top protrudes slightly from the soil.


Seeds sown in autumn at a temperature of 19 - 24° C. Bulbs - children. Leaf cuttings. 

Pests and diseases

Veltheimia is almost not susceptible to pests or diseases. The bulb may rot if over-watered.

Of the harmful insects, the main danger to the flower is aphids and mealybugs.  


Grows well in hydroponics.
