

Origin. Asia.

Description. Rohdea is a perennial evergreen herbaceous plant. The leaves are hard, belt-shaped, green, curved, up to 50 cm long, forming a rosette. During the flowering period, a low, powerful peduncle appears in the center of the rosette, on top of which there is an inflorescence - a spike with many small, yellow flowers. The plant looks most attractive during the fruiting period, when it adorns itself with small round berries, which become red as they ripen.

Height. It grows slowly and reaches a height of 40 - 50 cm.


Care at home

Temperature conditions

Moderate - cool keeping at a temperature not exceeding 18° C. The plant requires a cool dormant period at a temperature not exceeding 10° C. If the keeping temperature exceeds 18° C, it is worth increasing the frequency of watering and air humidity. 


A brightly lit place without direct sunlight. The bushes develop well in partial shade, but flowering may not occur in such conditions.



This species is difficult to grow because of its need for a certain temperature regime and high air humidity. Wipe large leaves with a damp sponge from time to time to remove dust. Remove old leaves in a timely manner.


Nutritious soil with good drainage. Rohdea successfully adapts to most types of soil and is undemanding to pH.


In spring and summer, feed the plant every two weeks. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped.

Flowering time



Air humidity

If the ambient temperature exceeds 18 - 20 °C, place the pot on a tray of water covered with a grid. Make sure that the bottom of the pot does not come into direct contact with the water. Surround the pot with a layer of damp peat moss or use a room humidifier.

Soil moisture

Keep the soil evenly moist throughout the growing season. In the fall, gradually reduce the frequency of watering, and in the winter months, when the flower is kept cool, just try not to overdry the soil lump.


Replant in spring as soon as growth begins but before flowering, as needed. Plant the bushes at the same depth they were before replanting.


By dividing large specimens during transplantation. 

Pests and diseases

Rohdea leaves curl and dry out when there is insufficient air humidity. With excess moisture, especially in autumn and winter, rohdea rots. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight leads to brown burns on the leaves.

Pests that can attack the plant are mealybugs, whiteflies, and scale insects.
