Family. Linaceae.
Origin. India.
Description. Reinwardtia is a low and very dense shrub with thin, flexible stems. The leaves are arranged alternately, simple, elliptical, lanceolate or heart-shaped, up to 8 cm long. Flowering is very abundant, yellow, funnel-shaped flowers appear one after another and although each flower remains open for only a few days, new buds will replace it.
Height. In its natural habitat, reinwardtia reaches a height of 1.5 m; in indoor culture, the height is regulated by pruning at a level of 60 - 90 cm.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
During the growing season, the temperature can be 18 - 24 ° C. The plant tolerates even the most intense heat in spring and summer with adequate watering and air humidity. In the winter months, a period of rest begins, which reinwardtia should spend at a temperature of 10 - 13 ° C.
In spring and summer, shade only from the scorching daytime rays of the sun. In fall and winter, provide as much light as possible.
After flowering, the height of the plant must be adjusted by pruning. Regularly pinch the tips of young shoots so that reinwardtia forms lateral stems, remove faded flowers, old and diseased branches. Take the plant outside during the warm season.
Well drained, nutritious - enriched with organic matter. Tolerates soils with a high content of clay and sand, provided there is sufficient moisture.
In spring and summer, feed every 2 weeks with liquid complex fertilizers.
Reinwardtia is a valuable ornamental flowering plant that blooms in late winter - early spring.
Flowering time
The flowering period begins early - the first buds are formed from February to March, flowering is long.
Air humidity
The tree tolerates relatively dry air well, preferring ventilated rooms with good air movement. With the onset of summer heat, you can spray the plants with room temperature water in the morning. Try to spray the plants so that droplets of moisture do not fall on the flowers.
Soil moisture
Water deeply in spring and summer, keeping the soil evenly moist but not soggy. In the fall, watering is reduced in accordance with the temperature and in the winter months it simply protects the earthen ball from drying out.
If it is necessary to change the soil or the size of the pot, the plants are replanted after flowering.
Daughter offspring, which are often formed near the mother plant. Stem cuttings 8 - 10 cm long under a cover of glass or transparent plastic to maintain humidity. Seeds are sown in early spring.
Pests and diseases
At low temperatures, leaves may turn black and fall off. During prolonged drought, plants drop their flowers. Reinwardtia rots when overwatered or insufficiently drained.
The main pests of flowers are spider mites.

With age, flowering may become less abundant - such specimens are replaced with new plants.