

Origin. Mexico, Jamaica.

DescriptionCuphea is a large genus consisting of 250 annual or perennial evergreen, low-growing shrubs. The leaves are leathery, lanceolate, dark green, up to 5 cm long, covering the stems very tightly. The flowers appear on the tops of the branches very abundantly, consist of fused petals, forming a long tube - up to 3 cm, purple, red, white, sometimes two-colored - the tip of the tube is painted in a contrasting shade, solitary, axillary. Variegated varieties are available.

Height. In cultivation it does not exceed 60 cm and grows quickly.


Care at home

Soil for growing in a pot

Peat, leaf humus, turf soil. Add coarse sand to improve drainage. 


Propagated by stem cuttings at least 5 cm long, in spring and summer. Rooting is done in wet sand and peat under cover of a transparent plastic cap or glass. Seeds are sown in spring.


This species appreciates outdoor placement during the warmer months. Long shoots are shortened by half in late winter or early spring to give the bush a compact shape and abundant branching.

When it blooms 

Flowers appear in abundance from early summer to late autumn, the flowering period is very long. With good care and proper maintenance, some species can bloom all year round.


Sometimes the cuphea is grown as an annual plant and does not need to be replanted. When grown as a perennial, replant in the spring. In too cramped conditions, development slows down. In some cases, replanting is required in the summer, as the flower develops quickly.



During growth, water until the soil is completely saturated with water. The top layer should dry out before the next watering. During the dormant period, the frequency of watering is reduced, not allowing the soil to dry out completely. For irrigation, it is advisable to use softened bottled water. 

Containment temperature

Cuphea is kept at a temperature of 18 - 21 ° C in spring and summer. In autumn, the plant goes into a dormant period and is brought into a cool room with a temperature of 10 - 13 ° C. Do not expose it to temperatures below 10 ° C.


Bright reflected light all year round. The bush can be exposed to direct sunlight in the morning or evening.


Feed only during the growing season, 2 times a month with fertilizers with a high potassium content in half the concentration. To form buds, the flower will need a nutrient solution with sufficient phosphorus content.



It can tolerate fairly dry air, but if you turn on the central heating in the room, it is better to increase the air humidity. Place the flower on a tray with a net, the bottom of which is filled with water. Make sure that the bottom of the pot does not come into contact with the water. Use a room humidifier or spray the leaves with soft water at room temperature in the morning. Keep the plant away from doorways, where it can be exposed to cold drafts.

Pests and diseases

Brown spots on the leaves appear when grown in partial shade or a sudden change in temperature. With insufficient drainage and flooding in the cold season, the cuphea rots. Harmful insects - aphids, thrips, whiteflies, spider mites, scale insects.


A very valuable ornamental flowering species. Can be grown as an ampelous plant and used for landscaping balconies and loggias.


Unfortunately, with age, the cuphea loses its attractiveness - its leaves become thinner, the lower part of the stems becomes bare; such specimens should be replaced with new ones.



Cuphea hyssopifolia

Compact evergreen shrub up to 60 cm high with thin, green or brownish, abundantly branching stems. The leaves are green, lanceolate, glossy, on short petioles, arranged in opposite pairs. During the flowering period, the plant forms small single, axillary, pink, crimson or white flowers in the upper part of the stems.

Cuphea hyssopifolia

Cuphea ignea

An evergreen shrub with long, thin, flexible shoots covered with brown bark. The shoots branch abundantly and form a dense crown of the plant. The leaves are glossy, opposite, dark green, on short petioles. The leaf blades are oblong - oval, entire. The flowers are bright, scarlet, with long floral tubes, covering the entire upper part of the stems for most of the year. 

Cuphea ignea