

Origin. China, Japan, Korea.

DescriptionLagerstroemia are small trees or multi-stemmed shrubs whose stems have peeling bark. Depending on the variety, the leaves can have different shapes and sizes and appear on the stems in late spring. Most species have regular green leaves, but some varieties have dark burgundy and even almost black leaves. In autumn, the leaves turn various shades of gold, orange, red and purple before falling to the ground in winter. The flowers are borne in large, cone-shaped terminal panicles and can be found in all shades of pink, salmon, deep red, purple, white or violet.

The second name of the shrub is Indian lilac.

Height. Grows quickly and in natural conditions this plant can reach 15 meters in height. In culture, with the help of pruning, the height can be kept within one meter.


Planting and care


It reproduces well by apical cuttings, rooted in the summer months.

Care at home 

Buds are formed appear on the shoots of the current year, so pruning should be done after flowering. In the warm season, it is advisable to take the bush outdoors, for example, to a terrace, balcony or garden.

When it blooms 

Flowering time is summer, flowering is very long.

Containment temperature

Representatives of this genus love warmth and can be kept at room temperature during the period of active growth. In winter, the flower is transferred to a cool room with a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees Celsius.

Soil for growing in a pot 

Loose, with good drainage, rich in nutrients. Sand or perlite is added to improve drainage. The soil pH should be neutral or slightly acidic. 



Prefers plenty of sunlight with direct sunlight for at least 6 hours every day.


Plants are fed in the spring with fertilizer with a high nitrogen content so that it quickly grows green mass. At the end of August they stop feeding with nitrogen fertilizers, and in the fall and winter they stop feeding completely. 


During the cold season, when the central heating is on in the rooms, the air humidity should be increased by spraying or using a room humidifier. The lagerstroemia pot can be placed on a tray with wet pebbles.


During the period of active growth, it is necessary to maintain uniform soil moisture - it is very important for abundant flowering and growth. Watering should be plentiful - until the earthen clod is completely washed. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced. 


Large specimens will be difficult to replant, so it is enough for them to annually change the top layer of soil 5 centimeters thick with fresh one. Small plants are replanted when it is necessary to change the soil or when their root system fills the entire pot. When replanting, you can trim the root system. 



Lagerstroemia can be grown as an attractive flowering bonsai.

Pests and diseases

Aphids may appear on shoots and leaves, and they are also susceptible to diseases such as powdery mildew. With a lack of humidity, especially during the flowering period, lagerstroemia can shed buds and flowers. Leaf spotting may occur. Sometimes root rot occurs when water stagnates.  Aphids may appear from harmful insects.
