Family. Malvaceae.
Origin. Madagascar Island, East Africa.
Description. Dombeya is an impressive ornamental flowering shrub or small tree with multiple branched stems forming a rounded crown. The bark is light brown or reddish brown, young shoots are pubescent. The leaves are alternate, simple, ovate, velvety pubescent, up to 7 cm long with noticeable veins, dark green, turn red in autumn, on long petioles. The flowers are collected in very large axillary inflorescences, which resemble hydrangea, at the tops of the stems, white, pink, red or crimson, fragrant. Some types of dombeya shed their leaves, others remain evergreen all year round.
Height. 1 - 3 m.
Growing at home
In spring, summer and fall, keep the plant at normal room temperature. In winter, for abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide a dormant period with a temperature of 13 - 16 ° C.
Needs plenty of direct sunlight. When keeping it indoors, try to give it as much light as possible, especially during the flowering period.
Dombeya can be pruned dramatically every year to maintain a compact shape. Remove old branches and dry inflorescences in a timely manner. In summer, if possible, take the bush out into the fresh air.
Nutritious and well drained.
Use a weak solution of complex liquid fertilizers throughout the entire growing season.
This ornamental species has spectacular, fragrant flowers.
Flowering time
Summer. The flowering period is long and takes about a month.
Air humidity
Spray periodically.
Soil moisture
Water until the soil ball is completely wet, but the soil should dry out before the next watering. In winter, reduce the frequency of watering. Young specimens require more water than adults.
Replant every year in the spring, slightly trimming the root system.
Seeds sown in spring. Cuttings taken at the beginning of the active growing season of the plant. Dip the bottom end of the cuttings in rooting powder. Provide young plants with plenty of heat and moisture.
Pests and diseases
Dombeya is vulnerable to aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies.
The dark brown wood of this plant is very hard and is used in the production of small jewelry and furniture. The roots are used in folk medicine.