Family. Melastomataceae.
Origin. Central America.
Description. Heterocentron is a charming tropical plant with creeping or drooping thin, reddish, pubescent stems. Dark green leaves are arranged oppositely, oval, pointed, 0.5 to 2 cm long and 1 to 1.5 cm wide, covered with small hairs. The stems have nodes and take root easily at the slightest contact with the ground. The plant forms a powerful, beautiful carpet. Flowers are up to 2.5 cm in diameter, consist of 4 round petals, pink-violet or white with protruding stamens.
Height. Stems can reach 60 cm in length.
Home care
Temperature conditions
If the air is sufficiently humid, then heterocentron grows well at room temperature throughout the year. The plant can withstand temperatures down to 12 ° C, and even a little lower.
The bush needs good lighting throughout the year.
The flower can live indoors for many years without much difficulty and is quite easy to grow. Provide the plant with sufficient light, warmth and humidity throughout the year, and take the pot outside in the summer.
Nutritious light peat-based soil with a sufficiently high content of coarse sand for good drainage.
Liquid fertilizer once a month if the plant is kept in a warm place all year round. If you move it to a cool place in winter, stop feeding during this period of time.
Flowering time
Air humidity
To increase the humidity level, place the pot on a tray of wet gravel. When growing in hanging baskets, place saucers of water underneath. In winter, air humidity levels can be quite low if the plant is kept in a cool place.
Soil moisture
Watering should be moderate throughout the year and preferably with soft water. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings. If the heterocentron is kept in a cool place during the winter, reduce the frequency of watering so that the soil ball does not dry out completely.
Replant in the spring when the roots fill the pot.
Cuttings about 8 cm long at any time of the year. Please note - each cutting must have at least 2 pairs of healthy leaves and an apical bud. Remove the lower leaves and dip the bottom end of the cutting in rooting powder. Cover the container with the cuttings with a plastic cap or bag, place in a well-lit place with a temperature of about 21 ° C. Rooting will take 3 - 4 weeks.
Pests and diseases
Heterocentron leaves dry out when the temperature is too high and the air humidity is low. Yellowing of foliage can be caused by overwatering.
Spider mites attack when kept too dry.