Family. Melastomataceae.
Origin. Mexico.
Description. Centradenias are low perennial, evergreen shrubs or herbaceous plants. The stems are vertical, often colored reddish. The leaves are green, simple, lanceolate or ovate, pointed, arranged oppositely, in pairs. The surface of the leaf blade is often covered with fine pubescence, and the underside of the leaves may be burgundy. The flowers are delicate, pink or lilac, with 4 rounded petals, appearing profusely at the top of the stems.
Height. Up to 70 cm.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
In summer, the centradenia be kept at a temperature of 18 to 22 ° C. In winter - 15 - 16 ° C. It can withstand a temperature drop of up to 7 ° C, but not lower.
In summer, the bush prefers a well-lit place without direct sunlight. When placed outdoors, find a place in partial shade. In winter, the flower needs direct sun.
After flowering, stems that are too long are cut off. These plants are easy to care for both indoors and outdoors. Centradenias do not tolerate frost. Pinch off old flowers to encourage new ones to appear. Pinch out the apical buds of young shoots regularly for better branching.
Light and well-drained, a mixture of 2 parts peat moss and 1 part perlite will do.
From May to September every 15 days.
Flowering time
Air humidity
Good air circulation around the plant can prevent leaf spot, which appears as brown spots surrounded by a light border. Centradenia tolerates dry air, but it is better to use a room humidifier near it.
Soil moisture
These plants are very sensitive to residual moisture – do not allow water to stagnate in the tray. In summer, water regularly, but not excessively. In winter, watering should be reduced. Allow the top 2.5 cm of soil to dry out between waterings.
Repotting is done approximately every two years, in March - April. If necessary, the size of the pot is gradually increased.
The seeds are sown in February/March in barely moistened soil, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and covered with glass. Seedlings are kept at a temperature of 16 - 18 ° C, in partial shade. Ventilate the container by lifting the glass every day to avoid condensation, which can cause the seedlings to rot. Vegetative propagation is possible using apical cuttings.
Pests and diseases
The leaves at the base are yellow or brown in case of excess water or lack of fertilizer.
Of the pests, whiteflies and spider mites attack centradenia.
With age, the bush can become quite long and unattractive; it should be replaced with a young specimen.